clown loaches


Jun 29, 2005
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Las Vegas, NV - USA
I have a 60 gallon, as you see on the bottom, with only 2 loaches, i was recently told i should have about 5, do i have room??? if not i could always take them back and get a different type of loach, if i should then what kidn should i get and how many? OR would it work if i had 2 clowns and 3 other types of loaches to mix, would thye be happy then? I am just curious... thanks!

Also, how big do clown laoches get in captivity about?
I've seen pics of people's clowns that get up to 10"+ in an aquarium, so ultimately, no, you tank is too small for them. Unless you can commit to a larger tank soon, I would return the ones you have and look for something smaller like Queen loaches.
is this what everyone else thinks or no, i would like anyones opininons, also, how slow do clowns grow, i heard like in 4 years only about 4 inches, so if they are that slow then that is cool with me, but i am just curious :)
also, they seem pretty happy, they swim all the time just hanging out, and they love my oher fish, they dont seem unhappy, but i would like some opinions, i want my fish to be happy!
Its true that clown loachs can reach a foot long each and although i am no sure on how fast they grow i would expect it to be alot more than an inch a year, most likely more like 1inch per 2months- if you had 5 loachs in an essence you would have 5ft of clown loach in a 60gal, your tank is already pretty stocked anyways. 3 is the minimum group number for clowns but i personally wouldn't add anymore fish to your tank.
so should i get rid of my clown loaches or should i get one more? I guess i can always go find another typ of loach that is cool, but what kind should i get? I want something peaceful and pretty
I would personally rehome them as adding another loach would be pushing your tank stocking limits alot, i know they are not loachs but if you like the look and personality of clown loachs you should check out corys- they also grow alot smaller and come in many color and pattern variations :) .

Take a look at this site for info about different loaches

I'd swap the clowns for zebra loach (botia striata) as they are just as active and cute but don't get huge. Clowns grow pretty fast up to about 4 inches then the growth slows slightly. They can get 12" in an average size tank and can live for over 40 years.

Hope this helps

they do grow VERY slowly... 1" a year is not an under exageration.

we have had 4 for 2 years now - 3 have grown about 1.5" - the 4th hasnt grown atall (we call him Tiny)

so with the new 100gal tank - we agged 3 more :)

when the time comes (in MANY years to come - we will either have turned the garage into a massive tank - or we'll sell them.

a 60gal will be fine for a long time.

I'd get at least 4 as they like their own company :)
"a couple of years" could well be 5/6 if you get small ones :)

I love clowns so I'm biased :)
clown loaches grow very fast upto about 6",
then the growth rate slows to approx 1" per year.
a 10" clown loach could be guessed at being around 9 years old.
In that size tank I'd put at least 5. They CAN get to a foot long but it usually doesn't happen, average is about 6 - 9 inches.
ok im going to the store and getting 2 more, or 3 if i find babys :) thanks a lot everyone, u guys have been a really big help!

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