Clown Loaches, Yoyo's And Rtbs Fry Eaters?


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
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Southern U.S.
I've got all three in my 55g with a soon-to-emerge batch of Bristlenose fry and I'd like to avoid a massacre if they'll be eaten. Right now the fry are under the care of their father but will soon be venturing out into the open. The Shark is a pretty good size, around 3+" and the Clowns similarly sized. The Yoyo's are smaller, around 1.5-.75" so they are too small to eat the fry, I hope.
I've asked a similar Q before, and was told that the loaches generally won't bother with fry (at least livebearer fry). They tend to be much more interested in eggs.

I don't know about the shark, never kept one.
My clowns left my krib fry alone, my yoyos munched all but one of them up. Not sure how big your fry will be, but krib fry are tiny.
The fry I saw were probably too big for my Yo-yo's to eat and they aren't fully developed yet so they'll be bigger once they're ready to leave. I was/am more worried about the shark and clowns though.
I would have thought some if not all of those fish would eat the fry.
my clowns are pretty aggresive and eat anything small. don't know what kind of shark you have but my red tail did. You might want to separate them.
My male finally left his cave but no sign of fry so the answer would appear to be "yes" to at least one of them. I'll have to move him and the female to another tank with more peaceful fish it seems.
Are the Yoyo Loaches more agressive than the clowns and what is there growth rate was looking at a few for my 75lt.
Are the Yoyo Loaches more agressive than the clowns and what is there growth rate was looking at a few for my 75lt.

Both species will grow too large for a tank your size. If I were you, I'd go with Botia Striatas. They're wonderful and smaller. Also less aggressive. My yoyo is a mean little fellow, used to keep even my adult male convict in check. Now he just bosses around my striatas. I haven't had clowns, but they get to be a foot or larger so they're a bad idea for a tank that size. Yoyos are much smaller, but are extremely active and need to be in groups so the 75lt is too small.

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