Clown Loaches Versus Black Neon Tetras, To The Death


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
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Southern U.S.
No, not really. I'm going to be setting up a 55g in the next few weeks and once it's cycled I have several Cories (approx 20) and 3 Clown Loaches as well as 5 Black Neons I'd like to put in there. I'm wondering if there will be any aggression/stress issues with the Clowns and Neons. I think the Clowns will get along okay with the Cories so I'm not too worried about them. It's the Neons and their small size and the potential aggression of the Clowns that bothers me.

The current respective 30g's they're in are going to be a Shellie tank (where the Neons & Cories are now) and the other containing a Red Tailed Black Shark (with the Clowns at the moment) so neither is really acceptable for Neons to be in.
that tank is no good for clown in long run if u plan to get a bigger one in the future then it should be fine for the first 2-3 years. There should not be any problem with tetra and clown I have kept both of this in a same tank before(altho they aren't black neon but my cardinal and neon dont seem to get bothered by them). But then I was force to remove my clown due to the food I use to feed them cant even make it to the bottom unless I feed alot. How ever once they grow up to 6+" I dont think it would be a good idea to keep neon alot with them hehe specially when u r on a trip. But any ways u should be fine for good.

Good luck
I know the final tank size for the Clowns. :) I'm upgrading them in stages as I can afford to. Currently they're in a 30g and have been for about 6 months and now it's time and affordable to upgrade to the 55 so that's where I'm going. These are also the smaller, 2-3 inch ones so they'll have a few years before reaching 6" and needing a 75+ gallon.

I forgot about the two 10's I have. One is well matured with 5 Kuhlis and the other is broken down with some drying black sand in it. It used to be a salt tank and I don't know what kind of pH altering has occured to it. I'm reluctant to downgrade the Neons to a smaller tank though. Kind of like going from a nice spacious house to a two room apartment.
My recent upgrade of clowns (four same size as yours) from 29g to 65g resulted in a month of unstable behavior :a lot of hiding, refusal to compete for flakes and aggression toward the smallest loach and other fish (one barb killed).

They are back to normal now...
I can do them in stages. I'd likely cycle, then let the Clowns in, adjust to the new environment. Then move the Cories and then the Neons. I know they'll be more sensitive to "new tank syndrome" and so long as everyone gets along, then we'll all be happy.

I'm hoping the 55 will be enough room for them all. It's over four feet in length and going to be nearly two feet deep. Still, I'm no newbie about fish and their territoriality and aggressive defending, especially feeding time (though this I have covered; Neons and cories on one end, Clowns on the other) but I still want to hear feedback on as many people with experience as possible.
I can do them in stages. I'd likely cycle, then let the Clowns in, adjust to the new environment.

Hmm...this may be the mistake I made, I moved them last. So they took over the darkest corner, stayed there, and attacked barbs who came close to it. I did not realize they were serious until I saw a barb body with real damage.

As for feeding, never saw them getting rough over it. I guess this is to come.
When I first got them, they were scared and shy. It didn't help their tank is right in the foyer where people come and go all the time. I fixed that by adding background to the back and two sides. Now they only see things from the front of the tank and aren't so skittish. As to feeding, they get into it with the Red-Tail sometimes and will chase him away. They did the same with my Blue Gourami when I had her too. I'm considering the same thing again when I do the 55 though this is going to be in my girlfriend's bedroom with just her and her cat (who bucks the trend and ignores fish) and just me so they should be "safe" from other people.
When I first got them, they were scared and shy. It didn't help their tank is right in the foyer where people come and go all the time.

This did not matter for me at all: the 29g was open from all sides and they did not hide in it from the beginning (I had them for a few months). But in 65g with three sides covered they panicked.

Now they are back to normal: if anyone approaches the tank they go to the corner where flakes may rain.. (is was supposed to be flakes for danios and sunken food for loaches, but they compete for both here.)
Now they are back to normal: if anyone approaches the tank they go to the corner where flakes may rain.. (is was supposed to be flakes for danios and sunken food for loaches, but they compete for both here.)

Mine know who I am and come to the surface or near it and wait for the food too. :lol: They seem to be able to distinguish me from everyone else for some reason.

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