Clown Loaches for Silver.

GOD....I mean Gosh, I am really mad :sly: :sly: :grr: :grr: :angry: :angry:

I want a clown loach tank right now!!!!! :( :( :( :(

I am GOING to get that 180 gallon and it WILL be a clown loach tank!!!

THAT IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY!!! :fun: :D :sly:
Great clown's FM :kewlpics:

Here's a couple of mine


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Your clowns are very nice Nidge. :thumbs:
How long have you had them?
How big are they?
Who do they live with, other than a bala?
Anyway, nice pics too! :nod:
Thanks FM, They are between 3"- 4" long. I originally got three of them about two years ago and they were tiny,then earlier this year i got a 300 liter tank and i got another three about the same size, When i got the three they weren't in perfect condition but they are now. They share their home with a 4" RTB shark, 2 Bala's, 2 Bristlenose pleco's, a large common pleco, 2 Giant Danio's, 2 Texas Cichlids.
They are by far my favourite fish. I feed them algae wafers, courgette, snails, frozen brine shrimp, earthworms (which i cultivate myself), flake and some sinking pellets.
Anyone got Botia Striata?


My personal favourite, if I get a second tank I have to get me a bunch of those.
Oooooooh Snowie :clap: Can you tell me ALL about them........

seriously I want to know EVERYTHING!!!!!!

THey are GORGEOUS, I'm in Wub :wub: :wub: :wub:

EDIT > Now that I reread your post Snowie it kind of sounds like you don't have any, but want some :blink:

Anyhow, me too!!!!! Still, do you know anything about them??

Anybody know?................... :huh:
Snowie said:
Anyone got Botia Striata?


My personal favourite, if I get a second tank I have to get me a bunch of those.
Adorable! :nod:

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