Clown Loaches And Sailfin Plecs


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2008
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just as the title says are they? saw some georgeous plecs which i think are sailfin judging by pics ive looked at on the internet and really want one when i come back from holiday im picking my clown loaches up then also

any thoughts?

just as the title says are they? saw some georgeous plecs which i think are sailfin judging by pics ive looked at on the internet and really want one when i come back from holiday im picking my clown loaches up then also

any thoughts?


if there not what else would go with clowns ? bottom wise

Clown Loaches are best kept in groups of 5+ and tend to do best in tanks of about 90G or more.
The Sailfin Pleco can reach up to 18-24" and would ideally need a minimum tank size of 6'x2'x2'.
oh lol none of them for me then is there any smaller plecs and loaches that would be better suited

thanks for your help by the way

Is there any particular type of Pleco you like the look of?
It's worth having a look at this:

30 Plecos under 8 inches

What are the tank dimensions?
If you went for some of the smaller Plecos, there's no reason you couldn't keep more than one type in that size tank.
Don't end up like some of us and become a Plecaholic!
just had a quick look how about a clown pleco they look cute

hehe i think theres every chance i could be joining you all soon in the land of pleco's completley fell in love with the little guy in lfs even my partner who doesnt particulary think that much of fish loved him lol he was adorable

48 x 18 x 22
That's a nice size tank and gives you room for 3-4 smaller Plecos with no problem.
The Clown Pleco is beautiful and doesn't seem to be shy like some of them. Ours has his "throne" on a piece of bogwood at the front of the tank!
That's a nice size tank and gives you room for 3-4 smaller Plecos with no problem.
The Clown Pleco is beautiful and doesn't seem to be shy like some of them. Ours has his "throne" on a piece of bogwood at the front of the tank!

hahaha how sweet

i think they would be my best option then just have to tell the little plec that i do love him but his homes to small if he lives with me
and tell lfs man to look after him good lol
I'm sure he'll understand!
The best bet is to have a look at your lfs, jot down names and L numbers and have a look on to get more info.
Good luck with the Pleco hunt!
hehe i shall keep you informed of any developments

hopefully the next one will be just as cute

thanks for the advice


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