The things we do for our fish..
Whatever happened to that old saying, "The customer is always right?"
Not applicable at all in an LFS I'm afraid.
If that were the case then I would be selling hundreds of fish to unfiltered tanks or Clown Loaches to 2foot tanks.
Also, since working in an LFS, I'll find some customers will misunderstand what has been said, or assume pieces of info. For that reason I'll not immediately turn against any LFS if a customer speaks badly of them because some of the time, it's the customer who is wrong and want to quickly criticize the LFS.
Giving the LFS the benifit of the doubt shows here somewhat...
i have clown loaches and they dont even realize the zebra danios are there
If they're in the 60L that (according to your profile) your 4 zebra danio's are in, you need to take them back. In fact your stocking list is horrendous, I'll copy and paste it here so someone else can help you decide what you're going to take back:
60 liter tank
3 x neon tetras
1 x frogs
4 x zebra danios
2 x sucker loaches
3 x black widows
3 x plattys
4 x conga tetras
3 x serpa tetras
3 x x-ray fish
1 x glass catfish
1 x fighting fish
3 x guppies
plus 1 baby
No position to criticize an LFS.
Que the flaming