Clown Loach

That's a shame there are other smaller loaches with a good character How big is your tank ?
How about you Holidayinn ?
hi folk
love clown loaches,they have to be my fav fish
i have 18 loaches in my tank and they are fantastic to see them shoal together
they range between 2"-5".started off with some groups of 2" which hid alot between the rocks
then got two 5" which encouraged the rest to come out and shoal
i feed them on frozen bloodworm and brime shrimp which they swarm around,and some flake food
looking for some more to add to the tank but they are hard to come by and expensive
alot of the shops they are in have whitespot
what a special fish they are
has anyone else got a love for them?
I'm a fellow clown loach fan - have a group of 8 in my 6ft tank, ranging from 1" up to about 4", so only youngsters. I have some really nicely marked fish too, some with spots on their sides, others with spots on their bellies and a few with 'saddle' type markings. I would love to add to my group but am being sensible about it really.
I might add to them in the New Year if there are some needing a new home or if I find a nice LFS that has some healthy looking ones in.

I also have owned zebra loaches, and currently have yoyo loaches too, and have to say, IME they just don't compare. There's something special about clown loaches.
How about you Holidayinn ?

Sorry Onebto, missed this thread.

I have 13 clown loaches, kept them for 2 years now, only had ich once in the beginning. Used to keep smaller ones, but they never lasted, and thinking back that was mainly due to my rainbow shark harassing them. Now I only keep 4"+ specimens and primarily just them in the tank, the largest I have is about 8" or so and fat!!! Pigs with Wings lol!!! Currently they are in a 5 foot tank with my festae (growing out), plan to move them into my 180 as soon as its gets crowded in the 5footer. Then they'll be moving into my Red Devil tank, dont worry ppl, my RDs are as docile as RDs can get, they'll b fine!!!

And yourself? Hows you Clown history?
personnally I like kuhli loaches,theyr'e funny little slithery things :lol:
personnally I like kuhli loaches,theyr'e funny little slithery things :lol:

I just got 4 Kuhli's a couple of weeks ago (my first) They are just settled in now as I am starting to see them during daylight.

Fascinating Fish I am trying to get some decent pictures of them but as of yet no joy But rest assured when I get them I will post them :good:

But the Clown Loaches are still my Favourite

Interesting behaviour I noticed on one of my Clown Loaches last night. The particular Clown in mention is called Winston he is one of 2 3inch Loaches and the largest I have.

Yesterday morning I done my monthly major tank clean with a 75% water change as usual I also change the decour around slightly, I find the Clown Loaches love it! Any way's I notice along with the usual excitement at feeding time that Winston's top fin (dorsal I believe its called) is stood up absolutely vertical at the front? usually clown loaches top fin slants back at about 45 degrees but last night it was completely up at 90 Degrees and this morning it was back to normal.

No fighting no greying out of any of the Clowns as if they were having a spat to decide the latest pecking order, this I have observed quite a few times. There is no sign of sickness I am not concerned just fasinated at it as I had never observed this paticular behaviour before.

Regards onebto
Be careful with kuhli's! I started with 4 and now have only 1. They have one by one found their way into the most unbelievable tiny place (different each time) and got stuck and died.
Be careful with kuhli's! I started with 4 and now have only 1. They have one by one found their way into the most unbelievable tiny place (different each time) and got stuck and died.

I have been noticeably warned already but thanks for the reminder :good:

Regards onebto
I have 9 kuhlis and suggest they be kept in groups of 8+ to keep them truely happy they are very light on bioload and shouldn't be a problem provided you keep filter inlets covered but personally i've had no problems with mine disapearing they are my oldest fish to date and i still love the little things :good: . Just make sure to get as many possible for your tank they are very social and you will deffinately see them more when they are in a large group, give them dark hidey holes such as coconut caves and flower pots buried in sand (sand is a must for these as with most loach) and they should stay away from filters and such.

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