Clown Loach

Obviously you have much to learn. Tank size in itself does not cause stunted growth, and to suggest it does is absolutely incorrect.
You may want to do a little more research before making such ill informed suggestions.
As a matter of fact, being the nice guy I am (lol) I will even point you in the right direction. Do a search, and read up on growth stunting hormones and their effect on aquarium fish. (particularly the GH hormone, and work your way up from there)
Compared to many other fish Clowns grow VERY slowly, they reach around 6" within a couple of years then slow right down to maybe an inch a year IME. If they outgrow your tank your lfs will definitely take them back as they will then sell them on for a tidy profit.

I would recommend buying Clowns as anyone that keeps them (in groups) will back me up that they are the funniest & most rewarding to watch but please research them carefully as they need & deserve the best of care.

They will definitely eat snails!!! Mine love them, I keep a tank full of snails which I feed to my loach regularly. I occasionally visit my lfs and clean out their tanks of them too.

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