clown loach

Mista Majic

New Member
Feb 18, 2004
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i just got 3 small cloach loaches bout an inch long yesterday and like to try adn buyr themselves in teh rocks and sleep on their heads :crazy: is this common for them ?
Awww yes quit common. I have 3 myself, and They dig and dig and dig then get tired and stop right in their tracks and sleep for about 15 minutes with their tales sticking straight up in the air, then I'll walk over and they'll dart away. Clown loaches are known for the "playing dead" antics. They also love to sleep on their backs and sides.

I wouldn't worry about them too much, just enjoy their comic behavior.

However if they Loose their color (turn greyish instead of black stripes) or stop eating then i would start to worry.

Mine turn grey to let me know when they are a bit chilly (75 degrees and under) Then i'll turn the temp up a little bit and they'll get their bright orange and black colors back. :D
Nina7777 said:
Awww yes quit common. I have 3 myself, and They dig and dig and dig then get tired and stop right in their tracks and sleep for about 15 minutes with their tales sticking straight up in the air, then I'll walk over and they'll dart away. Clown loaches are known for the "playing dead" antics. They also love to sleep on their backs and sides.

I wouldn't worry about them too much, just enjoy their comic behavior.

However if they Loose their color (turn greyish instead of black stripes) or stop eating then i would start to worry.

Mine turn grey to let me know when they are a bit chilly (75 degrees and under) Then i'll turn the temp up a little bit and they'll get their bright orange and black colors back. :D
Mine go greyer frequently, it's when they are having an argument about something. The one being picked on goes paler.

It's normal from what I have read. However, if a clown loach won't eat there's definatley something up!

Mine also sleep on there sides and backs and in a big pile. My 4" one is best for it he'll just be swimming along then suddenly goes on his side! They don't dig much though.

Funny little dudes!
:-( well one died about an hour ago :byebye: and one seems to be heading the same direction
but my last one seems to be doing great and loves being with the tiger barbs
hmmm....sorry to hear about your loss. By any chance were they not eating? and/or did they have sucken bellies? Sometimes clown loaches are picky eaters. When i first got mine, they would not eat anything. I had to bribe them with live brine shrimp. After that they slowly starting eating everything in sight. Perhaps they weren't eating?

Did they have any outright signs of illness and did you check your water conditions.?
I'm sorry to hear your clown loach died. Don't worry about them going missing. Mine have an amazing ability to hide. They also quickly learn when the lights go off (If you have a timer), and start going to their night-time caves around the same time every night. Mine accept flake food, frozen brine shrimp and my plants :grr: .
Nina7777 said:
Mine turn grey to let me know when they are a bit chilly (75 degrees and under) Then i'll turn the temp up a little bit and they'll get their bright orange and black colors back. :D
What temperature do you keep your clowns at? It should always be at 79 for clown loaches. Do you change your temp a lot? I never touch my heater - just leave it at the desired temp.
Sorry about the loss.

The graying out of loaches is basically mood swings. If they are grey, they are not happy about something, but does not mean anything wrong. I had 3 that remained gray most of the time, but when I changed my gravel from white to a natural dark gravel, their stripes have been dark most of the time.

Your temp is fine.

Also, how did you acclimate the loaches?

Make sure there is plenty of hiding places, since they are very nervous fish.
I would maybe consider removing the zebra danios if you want to keep the loaches. Loaches like the company of shoaling fish. To loaches, if they see a fast swimming fish, it's a sign of danger, therefore, they will hide. This fast behavior is the normanl for zebra danios. I used to have zebra danios in my tank. My clown loaches would come out only when hungry or during feeding time. After getting rid of the danios, my loaches have been out more and often just sit and chill anywhere than their hiding place.

Clown loaches also like the company of others, so you may want to add at least 2 more.
Hey there- Didn't say there was anything wrong with the temperature, i just said that that is the only reason mine turn grey. :D
MISTA MAJIC, so you think your clowns are acting funny, tak a look at one ofmy clowns, SLEEPING AGAIN, I posted it on the members aqurium page.
this guy just LOVES laying around :rofl:

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