Clown Loach

The problem is once they get really wasted away the damage has be done as they destroy the organs causing bacterial infections.

not all the time, this persons 2" clown is happy and growing on now. I would suggest all clowns be wormed when they are bought as this would stop the 'disease' before it started taking hold the same as all wild caught fish should be, they nearly all have internal parasites in them, why take the chance?
So true and I agree, but this clown sounded far from saving bless him.
Just a quick addition to anyone who hasn't kep clown loaches, they sleep on their sides a lot. My 3 regularly lie on their sides. This is part of their behaviour and are well known for it. No one should get alarmed by this behaviour unless there is another obvious illness.
he was far from being able to recover i wish i had thought he was sick earlier i could have saved him, from now on i will keep an eye of for skinny disease, one last question, i have now a single lone clown loach, should i get him a friend? a friend of mine said that they can die from loneliness? is this true?
Yes clown loaches do have to be in groups.
This happened to one of my clown loaches too, it was horrible to see him suffer so I eventually had to put him out of his misery.

I now only have one clown loach and plan to get him some friends very soon (i.e. this weekend) but interestingly he swims around with two tiger barbs that are very similar in colour to him. I also notice that he is 'friendly' with my bristlenose plec, he literally goes and lies on top of him... should I be alarmed at this?!
Certainly get him some company although i wouldnt just have two as they can become aggresive toward each other (i know alot may say mine are great together) but mine certainly wernt whilst the other pair were in quarentine but now all four are together they are perfect.

I would add if you plan on anymore check them in your LFS and go back a week later and check again before you make your purchase (new fish to lfs's usually break out in whitespot within a few days of arrival) due to the stress levels effecting their immune system during transit they become easy targets for the parasite if its anywhere to be found they will find it.

Also although slightly more expensive i would go for medium fish usually around £6-7 mark and not the smaller £3.00-3.50 batches, whatever you decide attempt to quarentine them if you have the means, i wish my wife had.

Mine are perfect now but it has been a struggle to find healthy examples to start with and care for the original smaller ones the wife originally purchased.
Clowns should be kept in a group of four or more. I have five now and am thinking about getting three of four more. Great fish and a lot of fun.

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