No mate, you can't put a clown loach in a 6USG tank, no matter how small he is. What do you propose in a day, or a week, or a month? These fish need their room. They also need to be in groups to be happy, so putting him on his own is not a recommended course of action. Further, the group should be 5 or more really.
You need to tackle this problem head on.
I 'd lay a pinch to a pound that in addition to the fact that these loaches are in a tank that is too small for them for longer than the first 6 months to a year of their life (33G), but are also with too many other fish. What other stock do you have in there?
As a temporary solution to the bullying, ensure that you have plenty of places for the little one to hide- old flower pots half buried, bits of plastic drain pipe, densely plant areas, even ensuring there is an inch of clearance under your internal filter if you have one, will all do. Go over the top on the hiding places.
I assume you're feeding frozen bloodworm? If you defrost it all and whack it straight into the filter outflow, bits should fly everywhere and everyone should get some.
It's my view that the bullying will stop in time if you follow the above and aren't overstocked. How long has it been going on?
If you're not able to provide a bigger home in the short to medium term, the mature thing to do is find them new homes and concentrate on some of the equally rewarding, but smaller, alternatives. Keep us informed Andy.
Ps. 27 should be fine, that's not your problem unless the 33G is radically warmer than that.