Clown Loach Prob Or Not?


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Rio 300,filtering 2800 ltr per hour,will post stats tomorro but are always perfect other than high ish ph,well 1 of my 4 clowns is a bit strange,he seems to be sticking his barbels up like the top set not the lower,its like if u pull your top gums up to show ur teeth-only way to describe it,he could do this for hours and then return to normal,he still eats while like this,i dont know if its on purpose or what?,also when he has barbels up u can pretty mush see into the mouth?
what are the water perims?
tank size?
other fish?
anything added recently?

might help some other people tell you whats wrong :good:
Don't they use these to stop been eaten in the wild so they get caught in the predator's mouth?? If hes eating and seems healthy i cant see this been a problem? Maybe hes stretching :hyper:
Don't they use these to stop been eaten in the wild so they get caught in the predator's mouth?? If hes eating and seems healthy i cant see this been a problem? Maybe hes stretching :hyper:

The barbels are completly different to the spikes that are under the eyes, but the spikes do the job you described!!

Its defo the barbels not his spike thing,like i say they are the top set of barbels and are pointing the wrong direction compleatly,he does this very much all the time now,and im not sure he eats now,i looks like a nerve problem maybe,stats are,amm.0,nitrite0,nitrate10-20,ph 7.5-8.0,temp consitant 25.5,350 ltr with around 310 ltr water.

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