Clown Loach Issue, Updated Today

A little update :) ;

Well i am still treating the clown loachs with "anti whitespot" med by Interpet and they are doing well although havn't quite shifted the spots yet, one of them appears to be a little miracle fish though....

Basically a couple of days after i started treating the clown loachs, i put a tank ornement(little peice of wood with fake plants attached) in the bucket to make them feel more at home and some sand too. What i didn't realise is that the ornement had a hole in the bottom- the clown loachs would squeeze in through the hole and hide in the ornement alot of the time.
I didn't worry about it at first because they rushed out every time when it was feeding time, although one day, only one started to come out. I didn't see the missing clown loach for a week, and figured that it must have died from the whitespot. I shaked the ornement vigorously trying to dislodge the "body" for ages and emptied it out and filled it up numerous times...
I was about to pour boiling water into the ornement to try and flush the body out, but somthing told me that i should try just one last time to see if the clown loach was still alive. I put the ornment in a large saucepan filled with water and no heating filtration, sure that the clown loach would have to come out of the ornement from discomfort- even if it was dead, it would allow the body to rot a bit without the presence of fish around it which might make it easier to get the body out.
Nothing happened for 3 days.
I gave up, i figured i'd have to flush out the body now with boiling water because there was just no way it could still be alive- but guess what! As i picked up the ornment to drain the water out a healthy little clown loach came out and started going mental, so i acclimatised it back into the bucket where its partner was overjoyed to see it :*) .

Definatly a miracle loach or what :D ? After all the storys of clown loachs being so fragile and how they die off at the first sign of whitespot, i was expecting to lose at least one through the medicating process since i didn't have a spare heater for the bucket and its been at 23/24degrees for the last couple of weeks- i never expected one to survive through all this though :hyper: !
The clown loach even appears to have shaken off its whitespots, amazingly, although i put it back with its sick partner in the medicating bucket to make sure there is no chance of it spreading whitespot in my tanks when i move it, as i am paranoid about getting whitespot in my tanks since i have alot of livebearers which don't appear to tolerate whitespot well from the lfs's i get them from.
You should call it "Lucky the Loach" :lol:
A very lucky little thing indeed - and just as well you didn't pour hot water over it :crazy:
You should call it "Lucky the Loach" :lol:
A very lucky little thing indeed - and just as well you didn't pour hot water over it :crazy:

Yeah i am definatly very happy i trusted my gut feelings on this one, i hate to think of killing the poor little thing by accident like that- by it surviving, it has given me a whole new out look on clown loachs. Also, by the way it survived in the cool temps with the whitespot meds so well, perhaps it is better not to raise the temp loads when treating clown loachs with whitespot?
Excellent! Bless the lil fish. So glad he's ok. :thumbs: Always best to go with instinct I find. Even if it doesn't follow the 'rules'.
I have to admit that I have never turned up the heat in any tank when whitespot has made an appearance. I think it causes more discomfort to the fish and that lil extra stress might topple them over the edge. Besides which, I have alot of scaleless fish in my tanks. Even at reduced dose the catfish look uncomfortable. (They weren't suffering from it but two angels were) so to raise the temp aswell..... :S
that's pretty amazing.. especially for one so small! we had two that were just about an inch each, tiny little things :wub: .. unfortunately one got stuck in the air intake in the powerhead and died :-( :*) while the other one survived, until we had a really bad bought of white spot (lasted for 3 weeks)! but we still have four loaches and none of them have shown any signs of white spot since that bought (touch wood), and supposedly once they have survived one bought they are a little more tolerant if it comes back!!
good luck.. hope the little guys survive... i'm sure they will they are definatly fighters!! :D
Yeah my little clown loachs have certainly proved themselves to be fighters, they almost shaken off the whitespots and this should be my last week or 2 of treating, so hopefully i can move them into my 50gal soon where they can feast themselves on my trumpet snails. I am getting realy attached to these guys though, i only have 2 of them at the moment but i would like to get another one(probably a larger one so i can tell them apart a bit) when my big tank arrives and gets set up :) .
clown loaches are scaleless fish right?


correct, they have skin texture, however, I read somewhere they have what's called micro-scales

but that doens't matter, most ich medication contains copper and it will kill clown loach, like someone suggestion, raising the temperature woudl help but I personalyl feel 85F is the limit as some fish are intolerable to anything higher.

High temperaure doens't kill ich anyways, it just stunt their multiplication rate therefore giving the fish a chance to fight back.

Also the salt is questionable, some fish can't stand it.

Anyways, just raise the temp to about 85F and change 1/5 water daily, make sure you syphon the bottom and don't mix up the water
There are a few cases of misinformation in this thread.

This is vastly simplified but there are three basic things you should know about whitespot:

1. Whitespot is caused by a parasite that lives in 3 phases. a. On the fish inside a white spot (feeding). b. On the floor of the tank in a little shell (multiplying). c. Swimming about trying to find a fish (redistribution).
2. Phase c redistibution is the only phase at which it is vulnerable to meds.
3. Upping the temp speeds up the breeding cycle.

The way to sort whitespot is to treat with meds (check the med is OK with the type of fish), then up the temp immediately (85 is fine) to make the spots drop off, go into the multiply phase, and enter the vulnerable redistribution phase and die due to the meds.

If you do not treat the tank but up the temp, you will multiply the whitespot without killing them in the swimming about phase, and infect all the other fish (you might even consider dropping the temp if you can't get any meds for a few days). If you medicate without upping the temp, they'll stay on the fish eating away for weeks dropping off at all different times and you'll never get rid of it.

Spot it early, medicate and up the temp immediately, and you should be totally fixed in no time without losing a fish. Don't do this, and it can wipe your tank out.

Ps. Tokis, glad the clowns are OK! I do have a special place in my heart for those guys, so much character.

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