A little update

Well i am still treating the clown loachs with "anti whitespot" med by Interpet and they are doing well although havn't quite shifted the spots yet, one of them appears to be a little miracle fish though....
Basically a couple of days after i started treating the clown loachs, i put a tank ornement(little peice of wood with fake plants attached) in the bucket to make them feel more at home and some sand too. What i didn't realise is that the ornement had a hole in the bottom- the clown loachs would squeeze in through the hole and hide in the ornement alot of the time.
I didn't worry about it at first because they rushed out every time when it was feeding time, although one day, only one started to come out. I didn't see the missing clown loach for a week, and figured that it must have died from the whitespot. I shaked the ornement vigorously trying to dislodge the "body" for ages and emptied it out and filled it up numerous times...
I was about to pour boiling water into the ornement to try and flush the body out, but somthing told me that i should try just one last time to see if the clown loach was still alive. I put the ornment in a large saucepan filled with water and no heating filtration, sure that the clown loach would have to come out of the ornement from discomfort- even if it was dead, it would allow the body to rot a bit without the presence of fish around it which might make it easier to get the body out.
Nothing happened for 3 days.
I gave up, i figured i'd have to flush out the body now with boiling water because there was just no way it could still be alive- but guess what! As i picked up the ornment to drain the water out a
healthy little clown loach came out and started going mental, so i acclimatised it back into the bucket where its partner was overjoyed to see it

) .
Definatly a miracle loach or what

? After all the storys of clown loachs being so fragile and how they die off at the first sign of whitespot, i was expecting to lose at least one through the medicating process since i didn't have a spare heater for the bucket and its been at 23/24degrees for the last couple of weeks- i never expected one to survive through all this though

The clown loach even appears to have shaken off its whitespots, amazingly, although i put it back with its sick partner in the medicating bucket to make sure there is no chance of it spreading whitespot in my tanks when i move it, as i am paranoid about getting whitespot in my tanks since i have alot of livebearers which don't appear to tolerate whitespot well from the lfs's i get them from.