Clown loach is getting smaller!


Fish Herder
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
One of my Clowns is getting smaller, I noticed this a couple of months ago but i thought that the other Clowns were getting bigger but im sure now its shrinking for sure.
It looks starved but i have seen him eating regularly, What im thinking now is that it could be some sort of parasite living inside him or worms that are eating what he eats, Maybe thats a bit far fetched but its all i can think of.
Apart from its shrinking size it looks like its in good shape and there is a big difference in size between other Clowns that were once equal.
I can't help you identify the disease, are you he's actually *shrinking* and just not growing? Maybe he got zapped by the incredible shrinking machine.. :blink: But all joking aside, just remember that if you decide to treat him, that clown loaches are pretty sensitive to medications and they stress easily. Sorry I can't be much help. :(

Hi Nekukurai,

Thanks for your reply, Im certain at this stage that its getting smaller. Its really skinny, As i said before at first I thought it was because the others were growing quicker.
Iv kept Clowns for years and have twelve at the moment and iv never came across any disease like this.
Oh geez, Nidge, first the attacking Clown, and now this? I'm sorry to hear all of these terrible things are happening to your beloved Clowns. :sad:

As for this strange shrinking of one of your Clowns...? I've never heard anything like this ever, and I am completely baffled. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps he has some sort of parasite (a tapeworm type thing?) that is eating what he takes in, preventing him from gorwing and even causing him to shrink in size. :/

Is there anything else wrong with the poor little guy? :/
Hey nidge, I have a similar thing with one of mine. I have 3 at the moment and 2 of them are nice, fat and healthy looking, while the other one is very skinny and you can see his bone structure. Funny thing about it is that he is probably the most active of the 3 and the first to get to the algae wafers or other food. He's been like it for about 3 months now, and it doesn't seem to be getting any worse, but I'm not sure that he's shrinking.
I though about parasites too, but I'm sure that if that was the case he would have died or at least got worse by now, so I'm not overly concerned about him.
I hope yours gets better, or at least no worse like mine!!
Thanks for replying guys,

It sounds like i have trouble with my Clowns all the time but i think its because i study them so much as the are my favourite of my fish and i notice evey little thing different in their behaviour.
He used to be a tubby Clown and now he's very skinny so im a little worried as the Clowns are my pride and joy :wub: .

Hopefully rvm he wont get any worse just like yours and ill keep an eye on him.
Fingers crossed!
I too have a similar problem with a clown loach. It is for sure shrinking and slowing down, hanging around the top a lot. Over the last 6 weeks I have noticed this reduction in size and dwindling appetite, and regular swimming with the other loaches.
I too have a similar problem with a clown loach. It is for sure shrinking and slowing down, hanging around the top a lot. Over the last 6 weeks I have noticed this reduction in size and dwindling appetite, and regular swimming with the other loaches.
A bit longer on the google bar and I've come up with a possible explaination.

Loaches "Wasting Away" - Internal Parasites Here
God this topic is a blast from the past :/

My shrinking clown eventually got eaten by an Oscar as he was small enough to fit in his mouth.
I treated them for worms and internal parasites but he never recovered. :(
Ok, so I'm resolve to loosing my clown, now how do I prevent this from happening again, I lost a female sword about 9 mos ago with similar symptoms. My weekly water change, and tank housekeeping, I thought was maticulus.
Ok, so I'm resolve to loosing my clown, now how do I prevent this from happening again,

Uggh, don't give up yet. Try anti-parasite meds, either off the shelf, or the heavy stuff like Levamisole.
And in all cases, if your clown passes away, make sure to take a look at what killed it, so you know what you are dealing with, since your other fish *may* have a milder case of the same thing.

I've been giving my fish UltraCarePX (recommended by a lfs owner who knows his business) for the last three days...I think it is proving to be safe, in a couple of days my bigger tanks will start getting the treatment.
Ok, so I'm resolve to loosing my clown, now how do I prevent this from happening again,

Uggh, don't give up yet. Try anti-parasite meds, either off the shelf, or the heavy stuff like Levamisole.
And in all cases, if your clown passes away, make sure to take a look at what killed it, so you know what you are dealing with, since your other fish *may* have a milder case of the same thing.

I've been giving my fish UltraCarePX (recommended by a lfs owner who knows his business) for the last three days...I think it is proving to be safe, in a couple of days my bigger tanks will start getting the treatment.
Levamisole will have to wait until I find a place to buy it. So far this afternoon, all the vets, and animal feed places around me 'never heard of it'. I'm out to the LFS tonight to pick there brains, and I'll ask for the UltraCarePX for now. Thanks for the tip.
Get a broad spectrum wormer or anti paracitic med. This will solve the problem if its tap worm or similar. Then feed with high protien food. Like Beafheart Mix. :D

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