clown loach debate

OK, well my questions still stands - why does every single website I look at tell me they are between 4 and 6 " - and I can't find a single website that states any size larger than that :dunno:
I appreciate you guys might have or might have seen larger ones - but I have to question the mass of information out there - or indeed the info here.
>>> I can't find a single website

We cannot be held responsible for the content of other websites. If you choose to believe they grow to 100mm then you are free to do so. Since Wolf and I have both kept specimens that were well over 150mm I'll stick to my/our personal experience.

"Maximum size" is an odd concept really. Reading aquatic websites and books, you frequently see a "Maximum size" quoted. Then wandering around the food markets where the fish come from, you see them on sale for food 2-3 times as big as the "Maximum".

Often fish are kept in conditions which are far from ideal. Their growth is limited because their systems are concentrating on simply staying alive. In unsuitable water, the kidney often fails through over use due to the struggle to keep the bodies osmotic balance correct in the harsh conditions. The fish don't live long enough to attain their true adult size.

Even the respectable websites can be contradictory. Fishbase, a normally reliable site, says Botia sidthimunki, the "Dwarf Loach" grows to a maximum of 55mm, yet there is a picture of one over 100mm on loaches!
When we were in maidenhead aquatics last week there was one in there someone had brought back and no word of a lie it wasn't less than 8" in size, the largest ive ever seen, we have had 4 of our 8 for 3 yrs now and they are round the 5-6" mark.
I love my clowns so far. One reason I got a 100 usg was so I could house clowns comfortably. Nevertheless they will not be comfortable if they get 12". (I have three. Though I would like a shoal, it seemed unfair, and I wanted other fish too.) I hope I can get a bigger tank when the time comes. If not, then, I will have to rehome them.

As far as leaving them in the wild: my first two were farm bred.

I still say to those who object to our enjoyment of these guys in our tanks: breed us some dwarfs. :p

Maybe we can bio engineer them. :D

By the way the discussion has changed back and forth so often from clowns to yo yos that some times it is unclear which is being referred to.
The-Wolf said:
how many times must I say this?????????

yoyos reach 8"
I have two that are 7+" and two that

Hi wolf, mine haven't grpwn over 5 invhes. What am I doing wrong? They are in with 2 sajicas a red-finned shark and an upsidedown catfish. 45g tank.
glolite said:
What am I doing wrong? 45g tank.

I think the size of the tank may have something to do with it.
mine are in a 72gal tank, if that helps
Wolf, I read and remembered your post, of course I read it AFTER I bought 2 Yoyo Loaches! I also used your information to answer someone else who was enquiring about Yoyo Loaches' eventual size. :)
Any more on the great clown loach debate. I thought it would be interesting. :whistle:
If your tank wolf is a 72 gallon tall, that could be the reason, i heard this from a reliable source, because his clowns in his tank grew quite fast, and i asked him what he did, and he said it is mainly the water pressure. Fish that stay at the bottom of the tank with lts of water pressure grow faster. This guy has eels that are almost full grown after 1.5 years! he houses them in a 4 foot tall tank, and the higher the tank is, the more pressure there is at the bottom, so if you want your fish to grow faster, then house them in a tall tank, IM NOT SAYING THIS WILL BRING A CLOWN LOACH TO 18 INCHES, I dont knwo if it will make them exceed thier limit, but it could i guess very slightly (and inch or two MAY BE). I just thought i would share this with everyone :)

About the clown loaches, ina regular tank are extremely slow growers, they MAY reach 4 inches fast but slow down from there. They absolutely love sandy areas, so sand in your tank is a big PLUS! Another thing they love is a cave to themselves where they can all sleep together on thier sides :) They are very fun to watch sleep, entertaining to see your girlfriend walk in and freak at seeing all your clwons sideways or upside down, and great fish. They NEVER attack other fish, but will play fight with thier friends, never causing damage. They are not scaleless, but have very very small scale, making it pretty much scaleless, so medication and salt are things to be watched on. They love frozen food and shrimp pellets! A school of 3 is the minimum, 4 would be best, but leaving them alone will just make them lonely an dunactive, unless you get lucky and he likes to school with something else in the tank, but nothing can compare to his friends that he can sleep with. Size of the tank i guess would be 90 gallon minimum, u can house 3 in a 60-70, and they would be ok, but takes a lot away from your stocking. That is all i can think of right now :)
I harvested some snails from another tank tonight. Some were quite large, well an eigth of an inch :). I put them in for my clowns. What fun!! They got so excited. I have three 3-4" long. They tumbled over each other trying to get the one the other had. meanwhile one snail thought he was getting away. One clown, the smaller tank bred smarter one, managed to get one to himself. He went to one side, and it was like he had a honey pot.

They are in a 100 usg that I got because I wanted clowns. A requirement for most of the fish I get is that they are small so that I can have lots. :lol: But the clowns I broke my rule for.

I believe that after 8" my tank will definatetly be too cramped for them. They wouldn't be able to swim playfully or swim around like they do now. I will have to get a larger tank or rehome them at that point. I hope it will be a larger tank--say 300 usg. :D
One of the most incredible set up for clown loaches I have ever seen was the Asian River Life Exhibit at Miami Metro Zoo. It was a huge tank, and the clown loaches stocked there when I went were all over 12 inches long! I saw 10 swimming together in a shoal. They were definitely not cramped, you could see them disappear, the tank was so large. What a sight! My mom recognized them from seeing them at fish stores, and was really surprised by how big they get.

It rocked! :cool:

Just my two cents. :D

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