Clown Loach Coloring...


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
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Proud owner of Clown Loaches here. :D
I was just wondering. I've read in a previous post that they loose color when something might be wrong. :look: Is this true? I've spotted some in the LFS that were so faded looking, kinda like their color was washed away (not to mention they were pretty small). Is it just their normal color...some are darker and some are lighter? Or the older they get, the brighter or duller? I've got four of them and they all had their different shades of color when I bought them. Hope it's normal...they are well fed , healthy, social, and in prime tank conditions...not to mention hilarious like no other. :lol: Only two of the three are really dark pigmented, they look so pretty. The other two are duller but still just as pretty and full of personality. Is there anything I can do for the duller looking one's to up their faded appearance like the darker ones? Any type of food, or suppliment?
If they are deciding how's boss the aggressor will get darker. I know they loose their colour as they get bigger too.

Mostly colour changes with mood. If mine eat bloodworms they go very bright.
>>> how big to clown loaches get?

I've never seen one bigger then 12"/300mm but have heard of them getting larger.

There is a picture of a big one in this thread.
Mine get really dark if I've been feeding them mysis shrimp. Though today they finally learned about eating flake food and that they can eat flake food at the top. They were litterally eating the flakes while the gouramis had the flake in their mouths.
Usually in a lot (not all) of fish stores their black stripes might be pale, kind of gray. It is a sign of stress :crazy: usually if your looking to buy one you get one swimming around good, and get one of the larger ones because it usually means they are healthier.

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