Clown Loach and whitespot

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May 26, 2005
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One of my CLs has died. One is still alive but it still covered in whitespot. ITs been there 2 weeks now nearly. Ive been using Interpet Whitespot Plus (the one with a CL on the box) in half doses. The CL thats alive seemed to be buried (and I mean buried) under a log for most of the last 2 weeks, and Im wondering would the treatment have had much if any effect if he/she were hiding and not swimming in the tank.

Im wondering should I start using the full dosage as it says nothing about using half doses for CLs in the manual. Also none of the other fish have got whitespot. Ive rearranged the tank a bit so there are even more hiding places, but Im thinking should I add another 2 CLs and maybe that might help the single one. The CL doesnt seemed stressed at all, is eating well and doing the (!) clown constantly. Its a 22 gal tank and I know that 3 CLs will out grow it quickly, but Im looking at another tank in the next month or 2. It was going to be around Xmas, but Ive changed my mind.
I wouldn't add anymore fish until you are absolutely certain the whitespot has cleared - especially loaches, who are prone to Ich.

Do you know your pH, gH and kH readings? With the interpet med, they advise half dosing as a cautionary measure - but it is safe to increase the dosage if you have hard, alkaline water.

If you have completed a course of the meds, carry out a water change and filter over carbon for a couple of days then you can restart the dosage. Keep treating until a few days after the last spot has disappeared.

If you want to try an alternative medication, I have found eSha Exit works a lot quicker, and is safe with scaleless fish. Again, if you are to change meds, you will need to carry out a sizeable water change (about 40% over a couple of days) and filter over carbon for at least 48 hours to remove the old meds before starting a new course.

Good luck!
I've never used the half dose rule for treating any fish - it dosnt tell you to in the instructions...

We now swear by eSHa products - the interput stuff is poo by comparison - 2-3days and it'll be gone (normal dosing) - try to get the eSHa stuff ;)
sharky&george said:
thanks and is it alt better then interpet?
And you say it can be used with scaless fishes?
Loads better than interpet IMO....

we've never reduced the doses foe out clowns or plecs - and have not lost a single fish to whitespot - or when medicating :)

we got close to having an outbreac of white spot when using the interpet treatment - it actually started to spread - never had ig get past a handfull of specs on 1/2 fish with the eSHa

(P.S. I'm not on commission and dont work for them :D)
sharky&george said:
Any one know where to get hold of it as i only seen interpet in my lfs -_-
where are you in kent?
if your near Paddock Wood we sell it at work
if your near Gravesend try Swallow Aquatics
With my first outbreak of Ich I ended up calling Interpet to check dosage since it was getting worse and not better. Their guy advised I could fully dose because I had hard alkaline water. So I fully dosed the next round of meds, still no joy. I carried out a water change, filtered over carbon for 48 hours then tried eShExit - which incidentally is one of the cheapest range of meds I have seen.

The Ich was completely gone in a couple of days, and with no casualties. A few of my cardinals suffered a little fin rot as a result of the prolonged bout of Ich, so I combined the Esha Exit with eSha 2000 and Voila!! They work safely together, and treat a wide range of diseases see here

I am not on commission, either lol! But on the couple of occasions I have found needing to medicate, I sincerely cannot fault the products - I even recommended them to my sister who had the same positive results. They are safe on the filter bacteria and plants also - always a boon!
Has the one that still alive color turns black? Really if it does turns black on where it suppose to be yellow I'm afrid ur fish is too much gone. If not u could treat them full does half does is recommand as safe but if it does not work go for full does I also use full does if white spot doesn't clear like 3-4 days.

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