CLown knife fish are patriachal fish, meaning that you can keep one male and many females together in a tank, but males will constantly fight! Unfortunately i know of no sure fire way of telling the sexes apart! Yes clown knives can rip each other up pretty nasty and my trio soon became a duo when they figured out who was what lol
Regarding the cories........keep an eye on them, they may not be able to do direct damage to your knife, but should it try to eat them they may jut out their pectoral and dorsal fins and get lodged in its throat, choking it to death.
my adults happilly accept praen/shrimp, feeders (frozen and anything i judge wrong in size) worms, bloodworm cubes, cod fillet, cichlid pellets, catfish pellets, predator pellets and of course my fingers
Regarding the cories........keep an eye on them, they may not be able to do direct damage to your knife, but should it try to eat them they may jut out their pectoral and dorsal fins and get lodged in its throat, choking it to death.
my adults happilly accept praen/shrimp, feeders (frozen and anything i judge wrong in size) worms, bloodworm cubes, cod fillet, cichlid pellets, catfish pellets, predator pellets and of course my fingers