I am growing several fish in quite a large tank before they move to their bigger final home (probably a big Rena). At present they are in a Trigon 350. The fish that will be moving in a year or so are a Clown Knife and an Oscar and possibly the Bala sharks. None of these fish at present are very big as i like to buy them very small and watch them grow. (Biggest is the Clown at 5", Bala's 4-5", and Oscar 4"). They all live quite happily with some other juvenile angels, BGK, Clown loaches and Pictus. As i say, nothing too big and a new home will be bought once the house extension is complete. My question involves the clown knife i have had for about 4 months now. He eats no problem at all, but it is what he eats that is confusing me. He loves Algae biscuits. To the point of ignoring blood worms, brine shrimp, catfish pellets, flake, oscar pellets and anything else they get fed. Is this normal? From what i understand clown knife fish are supposed to be carnivores, not plec's! It's got so bad that he eats whole biscuits and chases the catfish away! please someone put my mind at rest that this is fairly normal and he isn't going mad! He is lovely with great markings and is very active so don't want to loose him.