clown knife fish foods


New Member
Oct 30, 2004
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Ok here the Specs

55 gal
Aqua Clear 300 and UnderGround Filter and Rio 1100 with filter

Has been Set up for 3 years

1 Oscar 5 inches
1 Figure 8 Puffer 2 inches
2 red Pacu 2 inches
1 ciclid 6 inches
1 Clown Knife 3-4 inches
1 aglae eater 8 inches
5 big apple snails

Everything Get along (the puffer sometime nips the ciclid's tail)

I fed Frozen Blood worm and Brine Shimp in morn and Night
and some times Krill

Ciclid pellet to the ocsar and ciclid 2 twice

Flake food too the pacu love it

Now the Clown Knife fish Hides all day and i Don't see him eat
Only Once seen eat i threw 5 feeder fish the ocsar eat all but the knife did eat one !!
Had Him for a Week ! Tryied again the feeders but Ocsar eat all in Seconds

I had a piranha in a 30 gal 2 1/2years just gave it to my cuz Now breeding livebearers !! Trying Just started

I don't want to get ocsar hooked on feeder fish

I do feed at night with Light OFF !!

Any help , comments ,Advise, on tank or feeding

I do know that the pacu , clown knife and ocsar will grow to big for tank

Thank u
If your clown knife is more active at night this is when you must feed it. My advice would be to stop using live feeder fish and use frozen alternatives like whitebait and mussel.
to get my knife to feed i have placed some clear drainpipe in the bottom of the tank with a small hole in the top and place the food (fresh and frozen bloodworm,krill,prawns,mussels) through the hole and he comes in to eat it at his leisure and the other fish do not pinch it (although i have had to pull a large tinfoil out the tube before that got stuck )
I've had the sae trouble you've had and I've found that if I feed the oscars first and let them gorge themselves they won't chase the feeders. I give mine shrimp or mussles till their stuffed till the gills. then I wait for a couple of minutes because they will sometimes regurgitate their spoils and go on the chase, but waiting seems to keep the from doing that. I then put in the feeders for my clown knife and he has his pick. The oscars have eaten feeders in months because they always to full to chase them. and my clown knife is over a foot long know in a 175 gallon tank.
mine eat everything once it got started. I actually started it on live bloodworm then it eat cichlid pellets and eventually frozen lancefish

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