What is the correct forum to discuss Clown killifish (Epiplatys Annulatis)? I bought some today and I think they are great, but want to find out a little bit more info on them.
I like killis too, there are a couple of threads for killies in general I hues that would be what you want. I only have one Gold wonder right now. I'd love to have others.
So are you going to breed them? If you do I'd love to try getting some eggs off of you. I know you can actually send them through the mail.
I won't be making a real good attempt to breed them, but I said the same thing about my Apistogrammas, and they bred....so who knows...i'd like to see them breed because I am quite taken with clown killis, they are quite attractive, and they are one fish that hangs at the top of the tank!