Clown Killifish


Dec 29, 2008
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Wanted to know if Clown Killifish will work in my 55 Gallon. Current inhabitants:

3 German Blue Rams
2 Klugei
10 Harlequin Rasboras
1 Plec

I mentioned this in one of my other posts too, but thought I'd ask here since there's a section specific to Killifish. I've looked them up online and unfortunately can't find a ton of information. It seems they are peaceful and stick to the top/mid levels of the tank, so I would think they would be OK with my current stocking. I would probably get about 10 of them and consider myself well stocked for now.
Finally found a bit of useful information:

Family: Cyprinodontidae
Species: Aplocheilus annulatus
Compatibility: Tetras, Rasboras, Danios, Dwarf Gouramis, Discus, Angelfish, Rainbowfish, Livebearers, Plecos, and small Scavenger Catfish.
Tank Conditions: 73-79°F; pH 6.0-7.5; dH 5-8
Size: 1 3/4 in (4.5 cm)
Temperament: Schooling
Diet: Carnivorous
That information is fine to a point. I have great concerns about the compatibility list you have there.
Angelfish in particular. Also temperament, The males do not school too well and they can get nasty, not to the point of death but they can be little buggers.
The species you are looking for is
Pseudepiplatys annulatus
Tank,Size and Diet as above. (mostly livefood) they love fruitfly.
They will be happy if you supply them with lots of floating plants
If you have trouble getting stock drop me a PM
That information is fine to a point. I have great concerns about the compatibility list you have there.
Angelfish in particular. Also temperament, The males do not school too well and they can get nasty, not to the point of death but they can be little buggers.
The species you are looking for is
Pseudepiplatys annulatus
Tank,Size and Diet as above. (mostly livefood) they love fruitfly.
They will be happy if you supply them with lots of floating plants
If you have trouble getting stock drop me a PM

I take everything I find online with a grain of salt, so I wasn't going 100% on that information. Unfortunately, that's the most information I could find on them. The LFS has Epiplatys Annulatus.

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