Clown Fish dieing because of finding nemo

Do you believe that clown fish are dying because of Finding nemo?

  • YES

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  • NO

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  • DONNO?

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Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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I always notice little kids in my local pet store buying clown fish and then hear them complain that nemo died....I checked into it and it turned out that the parents were putting them in fish bowls and tap water!!!!!!!
I hate this poll!!! <No offense :p ;)

I just LOVED that movie, but I HATE the reprocussions!!!!!

It's a double bladed sword!! No one wins!!

I absolutely LOVE cartoons, and I LOVE fish so this movie was very special to me and my kids. We didn't spend the money on it in the theatres or anything or go out and buy a clown fish (I know better :p ) But I did LOVE the movie when I saw it on PPV Cable!!!


YEA that movie was the bomb but the kids and thier stupid parents go out and buy a clown fish doomed to die! But what really ticks me off is the fish shops that let this happen and say "its okay"!!!
Bad poll question.

The answer is of course, "yes". But that doesn't make it a bad movie.

What if you had asked instead: Do you believe that new people are discovering the great hobby of fishkeeping because of Finding Nemo?

The answer would have also been "yes".

It's like asking "Are some people dying because they drive cars?" and concluding that because the answer is "yes" that cars are bad.
I think Stubby has said it all

YEA that movie was the bomb but the kids and thier stupid parents go out and buy a clown fish doomed to die! But what really ticks me off is the fish shops that let this happen and say "its okay"!!!

But can also agree with modernhamlet

Do you believe that new people are discovering the great hobby of fishkeeping because of Finding Nemo?

I would hope that the number coming into the hobby out strips the poor fish that have died and more people into the hobby cant be a bad thing.
I just saved like two clown fish om a horrible death! lol My friends wanted to get one of my other friends two clown fish and put it in freshwater! :blink: They didnt know clown fish were salt water fish. :( People really need to get informed about these things. It is obvious in the movie that the clownfish are living in the ocean.
I abhor Disney and their "it's all about the money" business strategies, but they have managed to buy some good movies off of other more creative filmmakers. Finding Nemo was a cute movie -- as was 101 Dalmations, and you can imagine the bain that movie has been to Dal breeders and animal shelters. Dalmations get very large, and are not the easiest dogs to own.

That said, I think everyone has made good points. It's understandable for a little kid to say -- "I want a Nemo of my own!" It's a really good time for adults to give jr a little lesson in self-control.

"Well, honey, it would be really fun to have an aquarium like that dentist had, but maybe we should find out more about it first and see if we really have the time to take care of a fish like Nemo. And don't forget, Nemo didn't really want to stay in the aquarium, did he? Wild fish like Nemo are probably better off if we don't help to create a demand for them, because then what happened to him will happen to lots of other fish, too."

If the kid then starts bawling and being utterly ridiculous, the word "no" is probably not familiar to them and the parents probably need to learn a little discipline.

As much as I would like to lay all the dead fish in the world at Disney's feet, I can't hang this on them. All in all, I'd say the message in this movie was "don't take wild fish out of the ocean" and not "run to your nearest pet store and pick yourself up a Nemo." Blame parents and fish stores, I guess. You didn't see people running out and buying their kids lion cubs after seeing Lion King, or bear cubs after seeing Brother Bear (ok, ok, but you get the idea -- try flushing a dead lion or bear down the loo).

People just do the dumbest things, period, and if there is money to be made from it, someone will be there to help them do it. :crazy:
It makes me really mad :angry: when the pet store says that it's alright to put the fish in tap water and say that they dont need very much room to live in or try and stop the people from buying the fish.
I haven't seen any little kids (or their parents) in the lfs I go to buying clown fish. My lfs is pretty good about asking what size tank a fish will be put into, and what the tank mates are. Clownfish are pretty expensive, but I guess in other cities parents are more willing to buy expensive fish for their kids :dunno:
I dont know if finding nemo is going to introduce young people to the joys of fish keeping, esp if they keep buying clown fish after clown fish, sticking it in a 2gal bowl of tap water and watching it curl its toes up.

Now if disney had thought about it they could of modeled nemo after a FW tropical fish..... then again maybe they bought huge stocks in some big clown fish breeder? :D

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