Clown Aggression In Bag


Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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Ive got my clown fish acclimating in the bag and ive noticed the bigger one biting the smaller ones tail and being this normal? Are they just fighting over dominance? If so, does it take long? I specifically got one big one and one smaller one because of this. Im real worried..i dont want it to kill the little guy :unsure:
BTW they came from the smae tank with about 5 diff clowns in there. Oh and you guested it, theyre perculas :D
My clowns would do the same thing. The larger one would give the smaller one a nip every now and again. They'll probably sort it out soon enough. Now that they are in the tank, do they kinda of go on their sides at a funny angle in the water and almost spasmodically judder at one another?
My clowns would do the same thing. The larger one would give the smaller one a nip every now and again. They'll probably sort it out soon enough. Now that they are in the tank, do they kinda of go on their sides at a funny angle in the water and almost spasmodically judder at one another?

its perfectly normal for clown fish percula to go on there sides on a funny angle
Yup. Its hilarious to watch them when they start doing their juddering.
for some reason one of my percula's color seems to be pale and i can faintly see the outlines of his inner body. When i got him i thought he was just scared and turned pale, but i have had him for 3 or 4 days now. He is swimming around fine, so i dont think he is going to die... but maybe something in the water is off that gives him this color?

My salinity is 28 and the specific gravity is 1.021

I do not have a pH kit at the moment because i accidently bought freshwater testing kits :S
he eats very little... I have been watching him and he seems to just let flakes pass right by his face, without eating it. He will go after them, but he wont eat them. He looks like he is eating a little though. He isnt EXTREMELY pale though, it is just a slight tint of paleness (if that is a word lol.)

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