
I was wondering if you got a test kit yet for your water? Also how often do you change your filter bags?
If i forget to change mine :rolleyes: , over 4 weeks, i usually get a cloudy tank after changing it. I will tell you why mine does it, but you still need to test the water. When i take my old nasty filter cartridge out :crazy: , anything that was still in the filter flows out into the tank, whick clouds it for me. It usually takes a few days for it to clear back up. I dont know if this may be your problem, but i would get a test kit and see what your reading are so that you can rule out any water troubles first. :)
It is always good to keep track of your water, as it can tell you what is going on at any time. I use the dip stick testers, they are so much easier to use, and they dont smell, or spill. :hyper
Let us know.
it not the rest of the stuff in the filter shooting out it would have done that then i am going to get the test kits tonight
it is not a good idea to let your carbon stay in the tank for four weeks. carbon only has a life of about 3 weeks and that is pushing it. if your carbon goes longer, it will start to leach back into the tank what it has removed. if you experience a milky cloud and the filter is the culprit, more than likely what you have done is cause the bacteria to increase to not only handle the load of what the fish are producing, but also what the filter is generating back into your tank. when you change your carbon, get a wipeable marker and write the date on the side of the tank in an inconspicous place. that way you are not letting the carbon stay too long after it is dead.

you will need to rinse carbon for about five minutes squinching the bag to move around the carbon and remove any dust that may be trapped between peices.

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