cloudy water


New Member
Jan 12, 2005
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I need help. I just moved and my old house had well water, my new house has city water. I had a 10 gallon tank (3 corys, 2 neons, ,2 tetra, 1 snail) and after a couple of weeks in the new house it became very cloudy. I have tried everything it will not clear up. A just recently got 29 gallon tank and I am setting it up I hav moved the 3 cory'so this tank so far and it is now becoming cloudy. I have a 30-60 gallon filter. There is no way it is dirty already, I have only fed the cory's once in 2 days. PLEASE HELP
The fish do still seem healthy though?
I've just posted in a thread started by ravekiss about this. More info is needed. What are your water tests showing you? (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate etc.) If the cloudyness is grey/white then you probably have a bacterial bloom. Keep up with the water changes and be patient.

I am at work and don't remember the exact numbers but all the tests were normal, nothing had changed from the past 8 months. Ammonia was 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate was like .25. The PH was close also, the only difference in the new water tests was the Kh it was alot lower (80 i think). I read to add Baking Soda and I have been doing that, but after the water turned cloudy.
So what do you think? just keep doing partial water changes.
I forgot to say the clouginess is Grey/white, not green
If you fill a glass of water straight out the tap - is that cloudy?

I just ask 'cos cloudy whiteish water can be a sign of air in the water - which some areas suffer from morethan others. If its air in the water and you leave the water still then the cloudiness settles - but I guess if its getting swished about by the filter/pump then maybe the air wouldn't dissapate?

I used to work for a water company and we often used to get phone calls about white cloudy water and it was always this - but that was just in glasses not fish tanks.

Of course I could be barking completely up the wrong tree as I'm new to fish keeping myself :/
I thought the same thing but no it is clear in a glass. As a matter of fact I just filled a 29 gallon tank completly up on Saturday and it was crystal clear and now it is cloudy. The old tank which is 10 gallon is so cloudy you can't even see the fish.

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