You don't want a bacterial bloom, that is you don't need cloudy water. That cloudiness has nothing to do with the bacteria you grow during a fishless cycle. They are totally different bacteria.
What Akasha means is called seeding a cycle by using mature media. That mature media already has the bacteria that 'eat' ammonia and nitrite, all you need to do is add ammonia to make them grow more of them. The slow bit of of a cycle is waiting for the very few bacteria in the water to reproduce to make enough of them. Lets say they double every 24 hours and say you start with 10 bacteria. Next day you have 20. Next day 40. Next day 80 then 160, 320, 640 and so on till there are millions. If you use a bit of mature media you are adding several thousand at the start not just a handful of bacteria.
OK, those numbers are made up but they explain why it takes so long to grow enough during the cycle and why the beginning is the slowest part. Using mature media starts you part of the way through.