Cloudy Water

Don't listen to anyone in a shop; they're ultimate aim is to make money, so they don't really care that much if your fish die; it just means they can sell you (mostly) useless medications and more fish :(

The bacterial bloom might have cleared up, but your tank is most definitely NOT cycled; cycling can only happen when a source of ammonia, either from a bottle or from fish, is being added.

Have you had a read of the articles in the beginner's resource centre yet? The ones on fish-in and fishless cycles are the most important so you can decide what to do.
My tank now, had to put them on twitter as I'm on my phone
Bacterial blooms often do clear up on their own.
Hi Smyth..if you follow Fluttermouths' good advice and do a little bit of reading up on cycling your filter, i will donate a sponge full of good bacteria from my fish tank filter..this will speed up your process of having to 'cycle' your filter alot.
I am living in Baglan and will be happy to help you out and get you going in this hobby, the proper way.

Hi Smyth..if you follow Fluttermouths' good advice and do a little bit of reading up on cycling your filter, i will donate a sponge full of good bacteria from my fish tank filter..this will speed up your process of having to 'cycle' your filter alot.
I am living in Baglan and will be happy to help you out and get you going in this hobby, the proper way.


Wow thanks! That would be a big help! I guess I'll do a bit of reading then haha! theres my filter, it's kind of like a box filter, the pump goes into it, there's stones in the bottom and sponge above it
Hi Smyth..if you follow Fluttermouths' good advice and do a little bit of reading up on cycling your filter, i will donate a sponge full of good bacteria from my fish tank filter..this will speed up your process of having to 'cycle' your filter alot.
I am living in Baglan and will be happy to help you out and get you going in this hobby, the proper way.


Wow thanks! That would be a big help! I guess I'll do a bit of reading then haha!

:good: .It doesn't take long to get your head around it, but once you understand it you can get any answers you need from the forums.
In the meantime, try and get hold of some household ammonia. Boots in Neath sell it, not sure about Boots in Swansea.

I'm on the hunt for a bigger tank now, can't be any bigger than 50 Litres anyone know of one?
There's a very good site called 'Aquarist Classified', which is usually a good place to find second hand tanks. Gumtree and Freecycle are worth a look too, and quite few turn up on Ebay.
There's a very good site called 'Aquarist Classified', which is usually a good place to find second hand tanks. Gumtree and Freecycle are worth a look too, and quite few turn up on Ebay.
Thanks, I'll have a look at that now! :hyper:
I'm on the hunt for a bigger tank now, can't be any bigger than 50 Litres anyone know of one? Contact me and thanks to everyone who helped and commented on my forum post, their all a big help!!! Or drop me a text? 07547 262308

Well done on thinking about getting a bigger tank, i had a 30L when i first started out and it was considerably harder to keep than my current tank. With bigger tanks come bigger filters, and although i'm not saying the one you currently have is no good, the bigger the filter, the bigger the 'media' (sponges, ceramics, etc) they can hold..which makes a fishless cycle alot more easier IMHO.


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