Cloudy water usually comes from bacteria.
There are bacteria that live in the water (not the same ones as in the filter) and if there is excess organic matter or chemicals that bacteria can eat in the tank, these bacteria will suddenly have a population explosion and make the water cloudy.
How many fish do you have? What kind of filter do you have? How many LPH does it do? Do you have a gravel vacuum or siphon? How often do you clean your gravel?
These bacterial blooms could be causing the ammonia spike, as they'll break the organics in the water down into ammonia. Do as many water changes as necessary to keep the ammonia at zero, but don't worry about the bloom too much. With good tank maintainence, it should go away eventually.
Feed a tiny amount once a day or even cut down to once every two days for a while, pull out any dead leaves/dying plants, check for dead fish and make sure you clean your gravel really well at least once a week with a gravel siphon.
Bacterial Blooms Explained
i have plants in the water if i use the siphon i would have to take them out right
No, you can use the siphon around the plants. Just be careful not to clean too thoroughly around the roots.
Don't try to use any chemicals or "quick fixes" on the cloudy water. They might remove the symptoms but these things happen for a reason. You need to understand why they are happening and change your maintainence accordingly.