Cloudy Water...

Cloudiness can occur when cycling the tank. Several of mine went through cloudiness periods as they cycled. The cloudiness can be caused by blooms of bacteria as it's cycling and forming a balance. I was able to just let my tanks work themselves out as I fishless cycle and didn't have to worry about harming my fish at all. Small water changes will help but the tank will work itself out in time. Once you're reading 0 nitrites and 0 ammonia you can do a big water change (75% or more) and your nitrates should drop and then you're all set.
:blink: I dont get all this cycling business.
I have only ever gone cloudy (water not me) when you put gravel in that is new and has dust or when refilling a tank if you dont tip it on a saucer as you are pouring because it messes up and seems to go cloudy. The only thing I get a lot off is bubbles when I put fresh water in. :lol: Last time I did it even the betta was covered in tiny air bubbles.
'Kay, sounds to me like the cloudy water may be from the meds, so hopefully it will clear up soon, but with the big change in water it will start cycling all over again so you may get some more cloudyness at some point, maybe not :) Also what kind of substrate do you have?
I have gravel, but it's not new. It was in the tank when I had the boys in there. I cleaned it very well before I set up the girls in it, too, so there is no dust in it. That's one thing that I KNOW isn't causing this. It's either the cycling or the Maracyn or both. My bet is on the Maracyn, after what I have read, though it could be a combination of the meds and the cycling, as I did have a pretty large spike in Nitrites before I did that water change.

And, yep, the change started the cycle again. I have a reading of 20 Nitrite and 0 Nitrate. :p

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