Cloudy Water...


Oct 26, 2004
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Can Maracyn and Maracyn 2 make the water cloudy, or is it the cycling process, or a combination of both? I am working on cycling my 10 gallon, in which one of my females just died of what I suspect to be dropsy, but I'm not sure, so I'm treating it with Maracyn and Maracyn 2 to make sure the others are okay. I have been treating for 3 days now, so there's only two days left. I woke up this morning, and the water is pretty cloudy. I tested the water, and the Nitrate and Nitrite are spiked. I use AmmoLock, so it shouldn't be toxic to the girls. However, can that make the water cloudy, or is it the meds?
I've been told by lots of people that Maracyn and Maracyn 2 can be used together, because one treats gram negative bacteria, and one treats gram positive. When used together, all bases are covered.
Well, I just did a 1/3 water change.... It still looks really cloudy. :/ Should I do a 100% if it doesn't clear up and just start cycling over again with the bacteria on my filter media?
I don't know what's causing this! It's really bugging me! The filter is blowing the cloudiness around... it looks almost like smoke. The girls are fine... swimming around like normal... Bloo is a bit stressed, but the rest are completely normal. What should I do?
Yes, it was my experience too that they could the water. If you can test the parameters then you could be sure you're not spiking nitrates or nitrites. It shook me up a bit when the water clouded on me too. No problem tho.
Yes, it was my experience too that they could the water. If you can test the parameters then you could be sure you're not spiking nitrates or nitrites. It shook me up a bit when the water clouded on me too. No problem tho.

Well, my test kit does show a spike in Nitrate and Nitrite... I'm in the middle of cycling, though, so that should be normal, right? I use AmmoLock, so the ammonia build up should not be toxic to them.

So what do I do? Will the filter clear up the water, or do I need to keep doing water changes until it clears up?
Oy--I dunno. I'm in the middle of all that myself with those poop machines otherwise known as goldfish. I spike one way then I spike another...Damn! Wish I had more advice for you. Maybe somebody else will fly on by.....
Flau. .

Okay here's my 2 pennies for ya. . .

If you are treating the betta for some kind of sickness then I wouldn't worry bout cycling right now. Because you're going to be doing frequent water changes w/ the meds dose-age.

Anyway once the betta's fine - then start cycling. That way you can worry bout 1 thing at a time.

Or you can take the betta out and just treat him and cycle the tank at the same time.

I just know how frustrated I would be monitoring 2 things at once ya know?
Flau. .

Okay here's my 2 pennies for ya. . .

If you are treating the betta for some kind of sickness then I wouldn't worry bout cycling right now. Because you're going to be doing frequent water changes w/ the meds dose-age.

Anyway once the betta's fine - then start cycling. That way you can worry bout 1 thing at a time.

Or you can take the betta out and just treat him and cycle the tank at the same time.

I just know how frustrated I would be monitoring 2 things at once ya know?

Well, I'm done with the treatment now, anyways... I did a 50% water change last night... the water seems just as cloudy, if not moreso, than it did last night. However, I just read that the water goes cloudy during cycling and that it clears up in a few days, and that I should do small water changes every 3-4 days or so until it clears up. Is this correct?

Thanks. :)
I've cycled a couple tanks now and I haven't ever experienced cloudy-ness-ness. . .

If there is cloudy water - for me it usually clears in a day. . . I know I'm not helping you at all :S
Well, there is something else that could be contributing to the cloudy water problem... I don't think it is, but it's a possibility. I have to feed them crushed pellet, because all but one is too small to eat the whole ones. However, they can't catch all of the crushed pellet, and if I only do little bits at a time, Princess pushes the little ones out of the way and hogs it all. So, how else could I feed them so that I don't have all this food on the bottom?
Well, maybe it is the uneaten food. I did my morning water test, and the Nitrates are lower than they were even right after my water change last night, and my Nitrites are almost 0. This should mean the cycling is done, right?
Have used combined maracyn1 and 2 a few times and yes the water gets cloudy on about day 3 and then clears on day 5 I think. No worries with that, the bettas never stressed with it, just couldn't see them very well :lol:

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