Cloudy Water


New Member
Jan 18, 2006
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does any one here have any suggestions on this topic,i have a fluval 404 on a 55 gallon tank,i am running the filter as follows,sponge carbon nitra-zorb,then finally the spagetti stuff known as the biop max,it was up for two days waited for the temp to stablize then i added gold fish five and 3 platy's,yes they are alive as we speak,i then let it cycle like that for tweo weeks then added 9 other small fish a couple of barbs neons,i then left tank as is for 4 weeks testing every week,no water changes as the water has always tested good to perfect,just a little cloudy,i gave the gold fish to a friend and added a few more small fish,still a little cloudy,so as suggested everywhere i have looked i changed 20% of the water making sure that the water was close to yemp as i used only bottled water 10 gallons,it has been 8 days and the water is disgusting it has never looked so bad but it still tests perfect,please someone get back to me as this is very fustrating and i dont want to harm my fish
Firstly :hi: and Hi Carl

Secondly - You need to post this in the beginner thread or the emergency thread if you're worried and you'll get a better reply.

They will ask you for your water stats (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and may also ask you to confirm the fish you have in the tank.

Will probably want to know about the bottled water you use - is it from your fish shop or do you get it from the supermarket and is it mineral or spring water if you do?

Good luck,
Firstly :hi: and Hi Carl

Secondly - You need to post this in the beginner thread or the emergency thread if you're worried and you'll get a better reply.

They will ask you for your water stats (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and may also ask you to confirm the fish you have in the tank.

Will probably want to know about the bottled water you use - is it from your fish shop or do you get it from the supermarket and is it mineral or spring water if you do?

Good luck,

Firstly :hi: and Hi Carl

Secondly - You need to post this in the beginner thread or the emergency thread if you're worried and you'll get a better reply.

They will ask you for your water stats (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and may also ask you to confirm the fish you have in the tank.

Will probably want to know about the bottled water you use - is it from your fish shop or do you get it from the supermarket and is it mineral or spring water if you do?

Good luck,

thank you for the info
Hello Carl and welcome to the forum. :hi:
thank you for some insight on the fish less cycle,but i already have fish in the tank,i tested the water again with another test kit,as someone mentioned to me but the tests came back the same,perfect o nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ammonia with the ph 7.0,as my tank gets greener i am slowly loosing my flair for fish,i had a 10 gallon tank with a fluval 204 on it,it was clear with in a week an i mean crystal clear never had a problem,now i have a fluval 404 brand new everything heater gravel but the tank was from a friend who had it up for a while,i rinsed it with water only and wiped it dry with paper towels (white) no ink then put the tank into service,and this is my result,i have since given the 10 gallon filter to my mother complete with the water it had in it and all the media ,as i set up a 10 gallon tank for her and her tank is crystal clear,and tests perfect as well,but alas i am lost and with a real crappy looking tank,have any suggestions and yes i am a beginner so any real solid advice would not be taken litely
Green cloudy water indicates a algea bloom, what might help is leave your lights off for a couple of days, change 20% daily, cut back on feeding your fish, and make sure your tank isnt in direct sunlight. If it does get sunlight cover it with a blanket or something, It's a slow process but it does work.
The green water is common with a new tank. I went through it with both my 29 and 75 gallon. It will have to run it's course or you can check into a UV Sterilizer. They are a little on the expensive side but will definitely clear green water. Here is a thread I did showing the results on my 29 gallon. It actually worked even faster on the 75 gallon but that was the first tank I used it on and didn't document it with pictures.
Green cloudy water indicates a algea bloom, what might help is leave your lights off for a couple of days, change 20% daily, cut back on feeding your fish, and make sure your tank isnt in direct sunlight. If it does get sunlight cover it with a blanket or something, It's a slow process but it does work.
thank you for the reply

[thank you for the insight on the uv filter i will order one in the morning ,after looking at your photos of the work in progress your before looks like my tank does now i see from your experience that there is hope i will get back to you after i install and do the same as far as documenting the progress with photos

[thank you for the insight on the uv filter i will order one in the morning ,after looking at your photos of the work in progress your before looks like my tank does now i see from your experience that there is hope i will get back to you after i install and do the same as far as documenting the progress with photos
just to let anyone know i have taken the advise of a fellow fish keeper here and his remidy was spot on i will continue to test water on a by weekly basis as well as document all findings,thank you all again for all the input

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