Cloudy Water ?


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
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:/ Hi everyone I have just joined the forum

I have set up a new tank 3 weeks ago.
Added 3 Hardy fish Zerba after 1 week
Added 6 guppy two weeks later.

The water does not seem to be as clear as the LFS.
The tank came with heater and filter. Is the filter capable or do I need a stronger filer. In addition there is bits floating on the top of the water when viewed with the light on
Well.............for starters, you tank hasn't had time to cycle since you have fish in it already. So, you probably have bacterial bloom going on causing the cloudiness. Give it time and keep a check on ammonia and nitrite levels.

With fish, a cycle could last as long as 6 weeks. :/

Without fish, a lot shorter. :D

See smb's "Fishless Cycling" signature below his posts.

As for your filter, its most likely fine for your tank if it came with a kit. BTW, what size tank do you have?
Your tank is still cycling. Please follow the link in my sig and read all about it. Welcome to the forum.

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