New Member
A few weeks ago some Alge started growing on my tank, but it was the brown stuff not green. I read somewhere that alge is good and I should let it grow and maybe my pleco might eat it. Well it didn’t and the alge got way out of hand and my tank was smelly and cloudy. I made a general conclusion that it was because I was over feeding and leaving my light on for to long (I don’t have a timer). So I looked for advice on Reddit (), and everyone there said to completely drain my tank, deep clean everything but the filter and put the fish back in. So I did just that and my tank was looking great and my fish (I felt like) were thriving. I limited the feeding, added a timer to my light, But just a few days ago it happened again. Came home, tank was smelly and cloudy and fish were way to chill. This time I decided to put my fish on a very little diet. Every other day once a night. And completely cut of all light so the alge dies. But this time around there isn’t any actual alge like the last time, it’s just cloudy and smelly. I don’t know what to do because both my methods have not worked and I don’t even understand what’s causing it to begin with. My tank looks cloudy, my fish are way chill than normal and I don’t see any brown or green alge growing this time. Also a quick note, it’s 10 gal, planted tank with sand, that has 7 small fish in it. I do 25% weekly water changes. I’ve owned this tank for about 2 months and I’m brand new to the hobby.