Cloudy green water.....?????


New Member
Jun 9, 2002
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Hi everybody... I need a little help here.... I set up a 10 gallon freshwater for my son and I get my water from my R/O unit.... Heres the deal.....I had it up and running great with an aqua clear 200 and a chemi pure pouch...It cycled with a couple tetras so 2 weeks after it cycled I added another tetra and 2 live plants.... I have a 13 watt fixture from AH Supply inside my custom oak canopy... The plants died off and at the first signs of them dying I took them out and now my water keeps clouding up and water changes is not doing anything.... It almost looks like an algae bloom.... My first guess of the plants dying was because of my R/O filter stripping the water from things that the plants need to live off of.... I'm really puzzled.. I need some opinions please.... Thanks guys and gals.... I really appreciate it.....
I think it could be the r/o water m8

Put simply its just too pure for your small set up and is a breeding ground for the tank near a window too?

I had a m8 with the same prob and it was the r/o water causing it as when he stopped using r/o water it soon cleared up.

But i could be wrong? down here in cornwall ive had no problems with cloudy water and water changes but im sure it'll catch me out one day lol :p
Hi Leo, welcome to the board. :D Couple of questions. Do you use anything to remineralise the water 'cos it's no use straight? What is a chem-pure pouch, is it American? The bloom that you are seeing may be bacterial which means your tank is not fully cycled. Have you been doing any tests as it was maturing?  :/ Mac.
I have just been using it straight and it is not anywhere near a window....I have the lights set on a timer for 6 hours..... Thanks
As Pete says the water is too pure, an RO strips everything out. Is your tap water that bad that you need an RO? You can buy mixes from your lfs to take the water back to suit the fish you keep or add a % of tap water. Have you done any tests? Mac.
Oh..sorry... All tests came out fine.....
Ok Leo, an RO unit seems an expensive piece of kit for a 10 gallon tank. I might assume that you keep other fish, maybe marine. Any way I think you should add about 25% tap water to the tank and try again, also a small biological filter wouldn't go amiss as I don't think the chemi pure pouch will do this function. ;) Mac. I think I mislead you...sorry.. I am using an aqua clear 200 with the sponge in it and a chemi pure pouch.... What I just did was run down to the lfs and buy some algae destroyer and I'm cutting back my lighting to 4 hours a night and will see what happens..... Thanks man.....
Leo, let us know what kind of light you are running also please.
Many times, the type of lighting you have can cause algae trouble.
Everyone. What is the trouble with R/O water? Next best thing to sliced bread here in the states. Never heard anything bad about it till now :(
Yeah, I know...if I could think of everything at once, I would not have to post three in a row. :p
  When trying to conquer an algae problem, at all costs, try to avoid using anything with copper in it. Copper is one of the surest ways to rid yourself of algae. However, recent studies are showing that you can NEVER get all traces of it out of your tank afterwards. Something about it's molecular structure. I was lucky to spell molecular correctly, so don't ask me more. :D
   Anyway, treat with copper now, and you may never have good success if you decide to go with real plants in the future..
Adeyc, forgot that part, didn't I. :) /and you even knew the
(cu) part! From now on I shall refer to you as
:grin: Your Molecularness :grin:
:laugh:  Cheers G.L.  The only thing I was really good at in school was chemistry.  If you add a "Royal" into "Your Molecularness" I shall make you a Knight of the "Periodic Table"
:laugh:  8)

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