cloud eye

hi rose i'm a bit worried case the other 2 balas hassle him when he goes
back to the main tank, what do you think. :thumbs:
will keep you postted on hism progress,
Just keep us informed on how he's doing and let us know when you plan to put him back in the main tank.
You can try to section part of the tank off for a while and seeing if that will help him transition a bit better.
third day of treatment went to check on him just and he was dead ,
i'm guted, could this be due to him been on his own in the hospital tank
i put a little hidey hole for him , i was treating him with octozin, my lfs said
this was the best thing to treat him with,
It was probably an internal bacterial infection and the cloudy eye was just the last sign of it. In other words, he was probably very sick before he showed any symptoms.

I'm sorry he didn't make it, but you did all you could. Keep an eye on the other two and I suggest you treat with Melafix for a week, just to make sure they aren't going to go down with the infection.

Sadly, animals dying of illnesses is one of the less pleasant aspects of keeping them. At least if you know they had a good life while you had them, you can rest easy. :(
thanks yes i have alredy put melafix in my tank, the other 2 sharks seem fine, i was sad i love my sharks :wub:

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