cloud eye


Fish Gatherer
Aug 18, 2002
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just been looking over my fish and noticed one of my bala sharks has
cloud eye, it had it once before but i cleared it well so i thought with
melafix. i don't really want to use this again because half way through
the treatment my 2 clown loaches got ich. i treated the tank the ich
went . and i'm worried incase they get it again, at the same time i've
got to use somthing for the cloud eye, does anyone no of somthing i
can use to clear this that won't affect my clowns, i've been told that
cloud eye is due to bad water conditions but i can't see this as been
the case as i do weekly water changes and the tank is well filterd.
checked amonia nitrite & nitrate levels these are all fine.
thanks slt. :thumbs:
Sorry, I can't help, but I do have a few q's.

Is there another thread about your prev. outbreak? Are you sure the ick is gone? I don't think the Melafix would have promoted the case of ick in your tank. (and it says it's *proved* to be safe for clown loach(??) )

Is it just the cloudiness, or does he have other symptoms? How about the others, anything?

How is your pH and temp.?
yes i posted a thread on ich but i cleared it . it was only the clowns which
had it , yes i'm sure the ich is gone. i no melafix states it's fine for clowns,
but then a lot of things state this then have an ill effect, the bala has no
other symptems he's eating and swimming around fine, and all the other
fish are fine. my ph is 7 tem is 78f
thanks slt. :thumbs:
You don't have a hospital tank, do you? Then you could treat him separately. I'm sure if you did, you would have done.

This is only from a brief chart of symptoms, etc. For cloudimess of eyes, it lists as probable causes: toxins, severe ich, velvet. Any possibility of metallic poisoning? Copper pipes, insecticide, paint, tobacco? (Keep in mind, this is dated "95). I'm sure there are probably a number of (hopefully less severe) possible causes.

Well, I hope someone comes along soon who has had exp. w/this and is able to help you.

no i dont have a hospital tank, but i'm going to get one asap,
then treating will not be so tough, thanks reg2k2 for your info.
Is there anyway it could be from an injury :huh:

Can you look at the eye close up. Even with a magnifying glass. Look to see if there is signs of worm larvae. :D
slt. I don't think it will be the melafix thats caused this prob. How old's the fish? If I didn't know better I'd say it was marine white spot. lol Talking of which Clowns are listed as being prone to getting it.

K here's some possible causes of the cloudy eye.

Eye Problems
Symptoms: Cloudy cornea, opaque lens, pop eye, swelling, blindness.
Cloudy cornea can result from a bacterial invasion. Antibiotics may help.
Opaqueness can result from poor nutrition or a metacercaria invasion (grubs). Try foods with added vitamins and changing the diet to include variety.
Pop eye (exophtalmia) can result from rough handling, gas embolism, tumors, bacterial infection, or vitamin A deficiency.

Ich (Ichthyphthirious)
Ich, Ick, white spot disease, whatever the name, this is the most common problem . This disease is easily cured if caught in time! Ich is actually a protozoa called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. There are three phases to the life cycle of this protozoa. This has three phazes to it's life cycle and can only be treated in one of them.

or Velvet,
I don't think it's this unless there are other symptoms you haven't described yet.
thanks davy & adeyc for your replies, i have had a look through a magnifying glass & right in the centre of the eye is a blurry white, it dosnt
potrude out it is a very small white blob well milky white , theres no marks
any were else on him, he is the smaller of the 3 he's a good 3inch
the other 2 are about 4inch he has always been the slimmer of the
3 but hasn't grown as much concidering they were around the same
size when i got them , he seems to have his fair share at feed time,
the other 2 somtimes chase him of but i have'nt seen them actualy nip
him, i dont no how old they are i've had them around 5 months they
were about 2inch when i got them. adeyc it was the melafix i was treating
the bala for cloud eye, which i thought could be the cause of the clowns ich
after i treated the tank for ich , touch wood the ich didn't return,
hope you understand all that cause i don't :S
iv'e got my mithered head on , :lol:
sounds like he may be blind. If you think there is some infection then I would use the Maracyn and Maracyn 2 routine. Rose
thanks rose, i am getting a small tank of my m inlaw wich she use to keep
2 gold fish in. it's big enough for hospital tank, so i'll try once more with
treatment in the h tank, the more i've looked at his eye i think you could
be right about blindness, just hope he'll be ok i love my sharks :wub:
Slt If it was a bumb that caused it. It should clear in a few days. If it's an infecton Meth Blue should help. Or if Rose is Right then your stuck with it, the fish will show no sings of change. This will ne the sign.

As your doing put it in a seperate tank and see how it goes ;)
yes i'm getting little tank tomorrow to treat it in, hope it will be ok,
like i said he's active feeds well no other signs of illness,
just hope the other 2 sharks don't bully him after been out of the main tank

If it is blindness he'll be fine. He'll adapt and over come. He still has the other eye so if it doesn't clear up don't worry about him. Rose
Sounds like the right thing to do slt. Hope it all works out ok.
thanks adeyc, put him in hospital tank & started treatment, :thumbs:

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