closing on first house


New Member
May 11, 2005
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Hi everyone, new to board and looking for advise.
Two tanks 40 gal & 10 gal both fully stocked with fish,frogs,
live plants,gravel etc been up and running for 5-6 years.
how much water should be saved? 25% enough
how to I tranport fish? large tupperware w/ water from tank
I recently moved my 55 gallon. I used two 5 gallon buckets with tank water to move the fish and two more 5 gallon buckets to transport some of the gravel and the filter. I only had to move them about 20 minutes away. I then filled the tank with 78 degree dechlorinated water, put the gravel, filter, heater, etc. in the tank and let it run for 2 hours without the fish. The fish were in the buckets with an airstone in each bucket. I caught the fish and acclimated them to the new tank. It was about a 10 hour project from start to finish. I kept a close eye on the water quality, I tested it every day for the next week. I didn't have any water quality problems, and didn't loose a single fish. I also used stress coat in the buckets while transporting the fish, and in the new water when I put the fish back in the tank.
It depends on how long it takes you to getto the new place.

Moving house is stressful enough alone. There are other threads on moving an aquerium but i think one of the key points to remember is oxygen.

I would bag fish making sure plenty of Oxygen has been pumpped in there.
Keep the fish warm and keep the filter wet.

I would put plants, filter, gravel or sand into the same bucket if you can filling with existing water.

You don't need to keep any or the water but keeping some would help with re-acliminating the fish again.

I'm not sure how long fish can last in bags but obviously then shortish length of time is best.

If you can ask the people if you could move the aquerium before the exchange date. They will probably say no but its worth a shot. If you can move it before the actual date and put into one of their cleared rooms then this will save you a lot of trouble the day of the move.

Alternatly if you don't have to move all your stuff out on the exchange day then leave the aquerium set up and move it the next day once you've got everything in.

Good luck with the move.

Good luck and i hope it all goes well.

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