Clever Betta


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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My 2 boys that managed to get past the divider and have a fight...update... still got divider in but also got a breeding trap on one I alternate every 2 days as to which one goes in breeding trap in case they manage to get at each other. I looked earlier on and the one supposed to be in breeding trap was out of trap and swimming about on his own side. Just looked again and he has put himself back in breeding trap!

Reckon the other one was sending "Im coming to get you" vibes. Little devils :p
I have now had to float a small tank on one side of the divider as one of them kept getting out...Tank dont look nice at all shall be glad when summer comes and then they wont need the heat!
How do you keep it heated? I live in FL. so I just put some lights over their tanks.. we've had a few chilly days. I think that'll be over soon.
My bettas have all got their own little heaters. So have my pond wonder our electric bill is high! House is realy cold at the mo we are waiting to get our boiler fixed. I hate being cold!!!
My bettas have all got their own little heaters. So have my pond wonder our electric bill is high! House is realy cold at the mo we are waiting to get our boiler fixed. I hate being cold!!!

Move to my country. Perfect for Bettas and other tropical fishes.

: :D
Well, I guess that I have to admit the boss in my house is my Yorkie/Dachsund mix, Whiskers. Only water quality maintenance can supercede his bark. :lol:

[Excuse my off subjectness.]
Oh yorkie rules but she lets old english have a turn as well! :rofl: sorry off topic. :-(


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