i have pregnant platys and just about an hour or so ago i noticed this clear looking thing coming out of them. Is this the start of labour. Please help as i don't want anything to happen to them.
platy 2 has a gravid spot but pic is not good i will see if i can find a better one. coz when she goes in the light it goes clear and when she isn't its very dark. how much closer for platy 1??
Its normal i went to my local pet store and they said its normal as the female not been eating much during the labour stages. Is your female pregnant as well?
She looks quite plump, so she probably hasn't got long to go. What you want to watch out for is her 'squaring off'; her belly will develop distinct 'corners', especially at the front.
Once that happens, she should give birth within the next 24 hours or so, if she feels happy and not stressed. We do not recommend the use of any breeding boxes or nets; they are too small for the mother fish to feel at home, and too small for the fry to grow properly. She will be best left in the main tank