Clear Jelly Things


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2012
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A couple of weeks ago I put a piece of flower pot in the tank for the Rams who were getting broody. Needless to say they showed no interest and continued to make hollows in the sand right next to it. So today I decided to yoink it out. However, as I turned it over I saw about half a dozen clear jelly like things stuck to the inside of the pot, a bit like small slugs but completely colourless, maybe 3-4mm or so in size. Anyway, I've stuck it back in until I find out what they are. Anybody got any ideas?
A couple of weeks ago I put a piece of flower pot in the tank for the Rams who were getting broody. Needless to say they showed no interest and continued to make hollows in the sand right next to it. So today I decided to yoink it out. However, as I turned it over I saw about half a dozen clear jelly like things stuck to the inside of the pot, a bit like small slugs but completely colourless, maybe 3-4mm or so in size. Anyway, I've stuck it back in until I find out what they are. Anybody got any ideas?

Take it back out, sound like snail eggs to me. Although they may be dead, if they were land snails, which is possible on a flower pot

Ok, thanks Steve. It was cleaned before going in so if they are snail eggs they will be the aquatic variety.
Common pest snails lay eggs in a gelatinous mass that has tiny white spots in it. Since the snails do not require a mate, even a single snail can be the beginning of a snail problem.

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