Cleanup Crew Recommendations Pls

Ha ha!!

Might see if I can sneak a few Star Wars related things in my tank!!

Keep us posted on what you get to clean your tank!

you should definately do that hehe

and i will definately keep you posted on my cleanup crew :)

meanwhile, i've been waqiting for my platy to drop her bqabies for about a week, she has the white tube there and is looking very fat, but all that comes out is poop so far lol what do you think?
Lego is aquarium safe.

You just need to put it together underwater, turning the pieces over lots of times, to get all the air out, or it floats.
will playmobiles be safe? i have a cool looking tree thing, it would provide a great shelter
i would think playmobile would be ok, but dont take my word for it!

with regards sinking the lego, you can also put each figure onto a small flat peice of lego and bury that into the substrate thereby anchoring it down there, hope that helps :)
update -

got 2 nerite snails and 2 cherry shrimp today, they are busy cleaning the AT-At ... and .... this badboy

can't remember what he is called but he is the new tank badass, we have called him General Grievous on account of him having 4 arms and looking totally badass

did i mention how badass he is?

Total Badass
what kind of crustacean is that? will it eat the fish?

It's a filter feeding shrimp of some sort, it has little fine stranded 'fans' instead of pincers it uses to constantly 'grab' at the water and shove anything it catches into its little mouth, no chance of it ever eating a fish it basically just grabs any particles that wash past it, it has taken up residnce under my new bit of bogwood (been in a tank at the shop for months so no tannins to wash out) and seems very happy!

i lost my male cherry barb tonight :(

i was watching the pregnant platy when the barb went into a complete spasm and started spiralling all round the tank in a frenzy then just plopped down on the sand, i fished it out and put it in some freshly dechlorinated warm water while i did a 90% water change and it came back to life for a bit, then kaput, it just died, very puzzling, and i cant find my test kit at the moment its been tidied away somewhere by the kids, bless them!

anyways on the plus side i saw a couple of fry hiding in the plants at the back of the tank so ... life goes on!
sorry about the shrimp
congrats on the fry
is that icture magnified? it looks like some kind of lobster
sorry about the shrimp
congrats on the fry
is that icture magnified? it looks like some kind of lobster

thanks :D

and nope not magnified, he is just a whopper! kind of lobsteresque, i think it might be a bamboo shrimp

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