Cleanup Crew For Betta


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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What's a good fish/shrimp/whatever that I can put in with my male betta to help keep the tank tidy? The tank is only 2 gal so I'm wary of getting a fish for in it, but I've never been able to keep snails alive for some reason :/
What's a good fish/shrimp/whatever that I can put in with my male betta to help keep the tank tidy? The tank is only 2 gal so I'm wary of getting a fish for in it, but I've never been able to keep snails alive for some reason

Well honestly I would say a human, nothing cleans a tank better than a human
Well of course I clean it out and do water changes frequently, I just meant something to nip up stray food bits, etc to maybe make my job a bit easier.
i've seen people mention cherry shrimp alot

I recommend Ghost shrimp or feeder shrimp first. See if the betta goes for it and then in a few months if its fine switch to cherry shrimp.

I recommend months since through experience and what I have heard from others, things like snails or shrimp may be fine in the betta for a while but if something happens it tends to happen in the first three months...
i've seen people mention cherry shrimp alot

I recommend Ghost shrimp or feeder shrimp first. See if the betta goes for it and then in a few months if its fine switch to cherry shrimp.

I recommend months since through experience and what I have heard from others, things like snails or shrimp may be fine in the betta for a while but if something happens it tends to happen in the first three months...

i got 5 ghost shrimp when i got my first betta, one vanished within the first 2 days, the rest are all doing fine a good few months on, not sure if the one that went missing got to be a live snack or mite have been weak already and died,

the 4 that are left get chased around a little every now and then, though ive noticed this is only by the shrimp getting scared darting off so the betta chases. otherwise it leaves them alone.

HTH :good:
in a 2 gal, id stick with small snails. trumpet snails if you ae able to get some, especially if you have a sand substrate. they will only over-populate if you overfeed the tank, do a great job of cleaning, and burrow in the sand which keeps it well turned over and tidy.
no fish im afraid as the tank is too small. id advise against shrimp due to tank size as well.
in a 2 gal, id stick with small snails. trumpet snails if you ae able to get some, especially if you have a sand substrate. they will only over-populate if you overfeed the tank, do a great job of cleaning, and burrow in the sand which keeps it well turned over and tidy.
no fish im afraid as the tank is too small. id advise against shrimp due to tank size as well.

Arn't trumpet snails A Sexual? If so I am thinking they will lead to issues in a 2.5 as far as waste would be concerned, but like a member said start with ghost shrimp and see, my experience with bettas and ghost shrimp don't work out. The betta usually eats it and they cost $1 ea where I am so a cheaper treat than using cherry shrimp. Thing is if you add more to the tank you will be looking at more frequent water changes IMO. If you went with a bigger setup, that would open up options. The tank to me is just to small especially if you are a begginer?.....
Thats why I said a human does a better job..... sorry probably should have explained it a little better but this might clear the holes up a little bit
With the size of your tank, I'd stick with just the betta and do the clean up yourself. One of my bettas is in a 3-gallon and I keep the tank clean by regular syponing and also when doing water changes, I wipe the inside glass with a paper towel. She has a filter and everything. Before when I kept my bettas in bowls, I'd just take the fish out and do a 100% water change every few days.

Best of luck.
Thanks so much for the advice everyone. Not sure if I'm going to get something or not, it's just a pain flapping the net in the bottom to scoop up the tiny stray particles of food (he likes to turn the pellets into a mushy mess before he eats them) and it scares my boy. I'll probably eventually put him in a bigger tank, just don't have the cash atm. Thanks! :good:
He should be in a much bigger tank to begin with. 5 gals or more in fact , filtered and heated, to maintain a stable and easy to care for tank that won't need stressful 100% water changes every couple of days (as a 2 gallon will require which aside from severe lack of swimming space, is partly what makes them such bad tanks for anything other than shrimp)

Good places to find a cheap tank include:

Newspaper classified sections (look under pets)
Car boot or Garage sales
Ask around your neighbors/post a note round to see if ayone has an old spare tank in the garage/loft/shed they don't want. Chances are it'll either be free or very cheap .:good:
Thanks so much for the advice everyone. Not sure if I'm going to get something or not, it's just a pain flapping the net in the bottom to scoop up the tiny stray particles of food (he likes to turn the pellets into a mushy mess before he eats them) and it scares my boy. I'll probably eventually put him in a bigger tank, just don't have the cash atm. Thanks! :good:
Can you get a syphon to clean up the food? It'll be much faster and more efficient.

Also, how many pellets are you feeding him? If there is a lot of mess on the bottom, chances are you're overfeeding him.

One tip - in a small betta home, your fish would be best off with minimal substrate because that will provide more room for extra water. In my 3-gallon, my little betta has about 1/3" of substrate.
He should be in a much bigger tank to begin with. 5 gals or more in fact , filtered and heated, to maintain a stable and easy to care for tank that won't need stressful 100% water changes every couple of days (as a 2 gallon will require which aside from severe lack of swimming space, is partly what makes them such bad tanks for anything other than shrimp)

i thought, 2gal was ok, 3-4 is better, 5 is excellent??

is this going to be one thing that ALWAYS gets contradicted??
I have 3 tanks in total all with a male betta and cherry shrimp. (my latest one does seem to be interested in the shrimp) I think its pot luck on what betta you get.
i thought, 2gal was ok, 3-4 is better, 5 is excellent??

is this going to be one thing that ALWAYS gets contradicted??
in a word, yes.
i guess it is down to what the individual is comfortable accepting as minimum. as long as the tank is filtered and heated and there is room for plants and swimming its fine.
you will in no way get overrun with snails if you dont overfeed. and if you find yourself with so many snails you get worried cut back feeding. lack of food the small ones will not make it. the larger snails will carry on. i would not add shrimp in a tank that small with a betta. asking for trouble between them and the water chemistry.
a turkey baster is GREAT for syphoning up uneaten food on the spot without having to do a whole waterchange (in fact you prob wont even have to replace the water each time...just top it off every few days with dechlorinated water.
all the best with him :)

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