
How often does everyone here clean their tank(s)?

  • Every other day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Every ten days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once a fortnight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once every three weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • never!!! Lol

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Once a month for me and it depends how dirty my tanks are ussualy they would be fine to leave them for 2 months it depends!
I either do daily 5-10% wc's...3-50% wc's or 4-35% wc's a week. It changes week to week.
For me, it totally depends on which tank.. who's in it and the size of the tank. My bettas get daily or every other day changes... my overstocked 45 and cichlids get about 3 w/c weekly, and some of my other tanks can go 5 - 7 days. I also change different amounts in each tank. While my 45 gallon community does well with 35% changes, my 10 gallon guppy tank only has about 15% changed at a time.
Well i do a 30% water change every week! forgot to mention that :crazy:
Every day I do something. It may be a water change or a full cleaning. Because I have tanks of corys, and they are bottom feeders, I do full gravel cleaning at least twice a week. :D
I think it depends a lot on the size of your tank and what kind of fish you have. I have had my tank stocked for about 3 and a half months and have changed 25% of the water twice and use the magnet tank cleaners to clean the glass 3 or 4 times. Other than that, I've done nothing to the tank and it remains clear.
I have had my tank stocked for about 3 and a half months and have changed 25% of the water twice

That's not often enough, imo. Clear water doesn't mean clean water.
I clean mine about once a week....the grow-outs a little more and I do 30-50% w/c's every week.....
FanOFish said:
I think it depends a lot on the size of your tank and what kind of fish you have.
FanOFish :eek:

You have corys that live on the bottom of the tank right on top of all the poop from the other fish. You really should consider siphoning the dirt out of the gravel on a regular basis. :nod:

You might not realize how much dirt has been collecting in your gravel. I'll bet you will be amazed!!!! :crazy:
zacharyrapchuk said:
if you have a 10 gallon tank you clean it every 3 weeks :nod:
If I didn't clean my ten gallon for three weeks, it would be quite messy :sick: Then again, it is bordering on overstocked. I clean my ten gallon between one and three times a week. Depends on how messy the tank is, how the fish are looking, and how much time I have (with school, homework, and all). I answered "other" on the poll. The five gallon tank gets cleaned on roughly the same schedule. Betta tanks (all at least one gallon) get changed at least once a week, sometimes more (that whole time thing again...). As far as how much gets changed...that depends on the tank, mostly, and to some degree on how much time I have. I try to do 100% wc's on the Betta tanks at least once a week. I suppose the average wc on my five and ten gallon tanks is between 10 and 20%. I think those are all the tanks I have for now :)

To keep track of all this, I have set up an EXcel spreadsheet with a worksheet for each tank. I have columns for: date, time, residents (for when fish get moved or added or fry appear), treatments, chem. levels (a column for each test), and other. I was thinking I had cleaned my Betta tanks not very long ago - I just looked and it's been about a week :eek: Hence the reason I have the sheet - without it, my tanks wouldn't get cleaned nearly often enough, because I'd always think I had just done it :/ :lol: Yay for charts and records to keep track of things! :lol:

aka Lizard
I have two tanks, I do a 30 - 40% water change and gravel cleaning on one each weekend, alternating them. So, each one gets cleaned every other weekend.
The big tank gets a 10% water change and hoover twice a week, big fish = big turds :lol:

Community and african river tanks 20% water change and hoover once a week.

Fry and breeding tanks 5% waterchange every day and syphon out all uneaten food.

Frogmouth catfish tank 10% every two weeks, he is the omly fish in a 10g and only gets fed once every two weeks.

All filters get cleaned once every two months unless clogged before that and i do a 50% water change on all tanks once every 6 months.

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