

Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2005
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so do any catfish actually help u clean the tank or is it a myth? and if they do what are the best cleaners i have a 55 gallon tank
Hi toebash17, yes some catfish do actually help clean your tank. Some like the common pleco will produce more fish poop than it cleans up your tank. I have found that the Bushnose pleco is hard to beat for cleaning your tank. I also, have had Giraffe catfish that do a great job of stirring up the gravel and cleaning it.
Hi toebash17 :)

It depends on what it is that you expect them to clean up. Corys will eat food that falls to the bottom of the tank when top feeders eat, even though they need to be fed their own regular diet.

Other catfish such as otos and plecos will eat a lot of unsightly algae.

If you are thinking that any fish eats the waste products of other fish.......... well, that is a myth. :sick:
Actually, Tilapia will eat fish poop, and just about everything else, but you won't want those for your home aquaria. :)
Yes, they get very large and are pretty much impossible for the average aquarium to house. These are a fish farmed for human consumption as well.
There are no cats or plecs that eat poop directly (that can be housed in the home aqurium).
Snails or other invertebrates do not either.
We, as tank keepers are the only ones that can take care of the poop probs.
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