Cleaning Very Old (But Well Stored) Tank Decor


Mostly New Member
May 18, 2014
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Hi all....I wasn't able to locate a forum area for this particular subject, so I'm sorry if this is mislocated.  My mom brought me some awesome things for my tank from out of state.  My late Grandfather used them in his tanks in the late 50's and 60's.  Included were a pagoda style house, a diver with area to attach an air hose and pump, and some amazing pieces of slag glass in several different colors.  2 large hunks are still in the plastic.  I'm thinking the best way to make sure these are adequately cleaned is to soak them all in a bucket of warm conditioned water to loosen anything that may be stuck to them (dust/residual tank leftovers) and then use an old toothbrush to remove anything that was loosened.  Can anyone tell me if this sounds appropriate?  Thanks!! 
You can use hot water and elbow grease just make sure if you use a brush to scrub it with that it's a new one and doesn't have any soap on or in it :)
Just put them in a bucket of boiling water. Nothing that's not meant for aquatiums... :)
Also make sure the glass or other pieces don't have any particularly sharp edges, could scratch the glass or a fish :)

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