Cleaning Tank

:S didn't want to cause any problems folks :/ thanks for the advice,I will read through it all and let you know how I get on. May get new fish in a couple of weeks :thumbs:
ok so you dont have any fish in there and you want to start from scratch?

The best way to nuke a tank is bleach, one part bleach to 19 parts water, you can do everything with this, then rinse very very well, then fill the tank with water and lots of dechlorinator, and sit everything you have washed with bleach in there, filter etc. for a few hours, then rinse rinse rinse again.
id buy new filter media and air tubing, and anything else that is cheap and easy to replace.. you can put your gravel in a sauce pan of water and boil it, that will kill anything in the gravel.
then set it all up as if it was new, and start cycle again. then you can get fish in a few weeks.
Ron1 & Dany, you may want to check out this link;

I got so tired of people freaking out with bleach I thought it would be a good idea to post a topic on it. What problems have you had with bleach Dany? I really do want to know, that way we have a definite answer here for folks like Ron who need to clean a tank properly, and any bad experiences will help to determine any wrong way of using bleach.
:nod: thanks Tolak that helps a lot. 1 more question---is it possible to add TOO MUCH chlorine control and what would happen to the fish if you did?? :*) sorry I am new to this fish keeping thing and just want to do it right :rolleyes:
Dany not meaning to be rude but i know people who have used bleach and have NEVER had a problem after rinsing it out with hot water and 3x as much dechlorinator
I know with Prime you can safely add 5 times the normal dose, Seachem states that on the bottle. The dechlorinating ingredient in Prime is sodium thiosulfate, it's used in most other dechlorinators as well. Seeing as it's a 10 gallon tank, I would rinse it in the yard with a hose, or in the tub if weather doesnt permit this. A few good rinses & double the dechlor at startup should work fine.

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