Cleaning All Of The Tank Due To Nonstop Greenwater

you said that you tried chemicals did you try Sera aquariclear?
it is specifically aimed at greenwater (which is a free floating algae) and really does work
Hmm no i haven't, if the green water comes back after my grand cleaning i will try that

Have you got your tank in direct synlight? This could cause algae problems.

If your getting an Angel to eat fry, why dont you try having a breeding hatch and try seperating the male/female when old enought to know the ssex
I moved the tank out of sunlight...and it still didn't work, but i'm keeping it out of sunlight just in case if it decides to one day work
i'm thinking about getting the angel....will an angel work? and i tried seperating the male/females for about half a year, still didn't work
and i didn't like having two tanks
B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 19 2007, 07:21 AM) [snapback]1697127[/snapback]
Please don't ever put fish down a drain. It's really bad for the eco-system.[/quote]
what else am i supposed to do with them??? :blink:
there are several ways of disposing of dead fish that are acceptable
bury them, cremate them, put on your compost heap
or wrap in paper and put them with the rest of your household waste.
I wrap mine in tissue paper, tell them how much I'll miss them and how I loved them and place them in the trash bag. But then, I can't stand for anything else to go on top of them, so I tie up that bag and replace it with a new one.

Personally, I won't bury them because I don't want the birds or other critters to dig them up. If they did die of illness, I might be introducing a bacteria to the wildlife.

If you flush them, not only are you possibly introducing bacteria to the eco-system, but what are you going to do if they get stuck in your pipes? Personally, I would not want to deal with that. That would be much worse than losing the fish in the first place. :sad:
I would have though that an angel would be too big for a 20 gal. My angles got to small dinner plate size, similar to discus, so would recomend a 4x2x2 foot tank minimum(approx 400 litres) A UV seriliser would work, but they are expencive.
Do you know your nirate readings? Some algea is caursed by excess nitrate, or phosphate. You could look to reduce the ammounts of these chemicals in your water, effectively starving your gw. It may take a while to see any noticable effects though.

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