Clean Up Crew

The approach I take with CUC is start with one item per 10l, and see how it goes. I you are getting over-ran with some form of algea or ditritus, choose more CUC that specialise in that.

The redlegs I have were labled "red legged rock hermits", but I'm yet to get a scientific name for them. They are very peaceful though :nod:

All the best

well the main reason i would like to get the whole cuc at once is i get free shipping from liveaquaria if i spend $60 or more, plus i'll be adding all my LR at once.
^^At seporate times I assume? The CUC cannot be in the tank untill all your spikes have been and gone :good: Any shipped-out LR will undergo Ammonia and/or Nitrite spikes :nod:
ofcourse i'm going to let my tank cycle first. Aren't i almost guaranteed a brittle star as a hitchhiker?
I need some advice. Last week I bought 8 nerite snails, and they "sleep" all day, only 3 of them become active after the light goes down. Yesterday I found an empty shell, and I'm affraid of that this snails isn't the hardiest ones. Should I ask for some turbos or other snail when writing to Santa? :)
One of my fellow reefer sold his 125g tank and gave me two hermit crabs from it. I think they are Clibanarius erythropus am I right? Are they compatible with the snails?
I'm planning to buy some other hermits, but the LFS only has clibanarius tricolor and Paguristes cadenati. Are they compatible with the new hermits and the nerite snails? Or wich type of snails is the best to keep with them?
My tank is 30g well matured system with more than 40 types of corals and with clown and dartfishes, and with lots of algae covered LR to graze.
Pics of my new hermits:
Kép 010.JPG
Kép 012.JPG
Hi Nagy and :hi: to TFF, it's good to have you on board :good:

Can I ask a big favour of you please - would you start your own thread and tell us a little about your tank, contents, stock etc so we can better help you :good:

That way more people will read it and get to know you :fun:

Seffie x


also, take a look at our Vert of the Month thread for Hermits - Donya has written a fasinating piece :good:
Ok, I gonna upload my tank's specs.
I started with the hermit thread, and after that posted the unanswered questions.
Excellent, looking forward to reading it :good: got any photos of your tank?

Seffie x

ps i like a photo or two, or three........ :lol:

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