Classifieds Section Suggestion

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Not to sound like a simpleton, but everyone here is 'good' in terms of selling. If they're not, action is taken very quickly by the mods and I have never heard of a problem that wasn't completely remedied within a few days (including getting money back if applicable). Ebay is a massive website with people from all over the world selling to all over the world, and also selling vast quantities of items. Most people here only sell a couple of items, and as such a 'feedback' system won't have anywhere near the same effect as Ebay's does.

And if you don't want to pay Ebay fees, there are more than enough cheaper/free places to advertise items where you are going to get a lot more interest than here. Equally, if you want to buy such items, there's more than enough places to buy them.
Look elsewhere...? If you want an item, chances are it ain't going to be here, even if there was a 'random rubbish' section.
ok, remove the non-fish pets section, the game section, and everything else too

you think about it, someone on here may be able to DELIVER a tank at a cost (cheaper than a courier), that could be advertised.

i think you stating "fish only" is a little outdated considering we have dogs, cats and even pigs being shown here!!
then the forum will end up have commercial adverts like aquarist classifieds and personally, i find then annoying at the top of every page. We dont need these services. The forum has run smoothly without. Why change/fix something that isnt broke?

i dont mean commerical, for example, someone in birmingham may want a tank collecting from nottingham and taking to them, but their car is too small.

we have an estate.

they could put a wanted advert, asking if anyone could collect for them for £xx.. we could answer.

or, you may want a xbox 360, and someone may have one for sale - surely trading with "friends" is better than ebay?
its not just about selling an item for the sake of selling, its offering what you have for others to see.

example - im looking on ebay for a new TV, i spot one for lets say £180 buy it now, but alas, someone is selling one on here for £140, which one are you going to go for?

(and before anyone jumps on there soap box and says this is a fish forum, this is an EXAMPLE, just so you get it ;) )
And you wanting one is 'your opinion, not EVERYONES'.

And if that person advertised elsewhere at £140, you could buy it then. It would just be a coincidence that they were also a member. The internet is a big place; the probability of someone here having the exact item you want at the lowest price near to where you live is small indeed, especially if you take into account somewhere like the US where the next city can be hours away.
i agree. it doesnt mean you cant post. it would work the same as the fish items for sale. some items may be posted, others collected. it works for fishy items, why not non-fishy items is what i am trying to get at?

and i agree this is my opinion, but its almost like no-one wants to come out of the dark ages.

me personally, i would rather deal with someone on here who i KNOW is reputable, then go and find a stranger somewhere.

i'm also not saying it HAS to be next door, people travel, we do. we will go for miles to find the right thing.

my point is, some people may see it on here, correct me if im wrong, is this site NOT the internet?
it works for fishy items, why not non-fishy items is what i am trying to get at?

Er... 'Cos it's primarily a fish forum? Meaning the primary purpose of the classifieds section is to deal with the exchange of items related to the hobby of fishkeeping. You wouldn't go along to your local aquarium society and try to flog an Xbox, just because we're online doesn't make it different.

but its almost like no-one wants to come out of the dark ages.

Change isn't always equivalent to progress/modernisation. The same way that just because someone suggests a change doesn't mean it will result in the forum being better, usually the opposite is true were it implemented (hence why few suggestions end up being used).

me personally, i would rather deal with someone on here who i KNOW is reputable, then go and find a stranger somewhere.

Whether you're buying from here or elsewhere, you should use common buying sense. Things like paying via Paypal and similar mean that wherever you buy from, if it goes awry you can get your money back. If you apply sensible principles it shouldn't matter where you buy from (unless you're buying a winning lottery ticket from Nigeria, in which case, you probably deserved it).

my point is, some people may see it on here, correct me if im wrong, is this site NOT the internet?

No, it is however a cross section of the internet with people from all places, of all races represented.
me personally, i would rather deal with someone on here who i KNOW is reputable, then go and find a stranger somewhere.

Whether you're buying from here or elsewhere, you should use common buying sense. Things like paying via Paypal and similar mean that wherever you buy from, if it goes awry you can get your money back. If you apply sensible principles it shouldn't matter where you buy from (unless you're buying a winning lottery ticket from Nigeria, in which case, you probably deserved it).


at which point did i say i was going to buy a nigerian lottery ticket? and at which point did i say i was gonna have a lapse common sense in buying?

that isnt my point

i honestly dont see what the harm is selling to a friend
tbh i think tunnel vision and narrow mindedness has firmly dug their heels in on this one - i suppose somtimes there is no reasoning with idiots :blink:
ANYWAYS i think this is all getting a little too personal, do i do it as a poll or how long does it take for the mods to jump in with their two cents? :lol:

as some people do like the idea, some dont, do i change this to a poll?
leave it as is, the mos will soon sort it. anyone want to place bets on what the answer would be? - i dont, becuase this is a FISH forum.

having other sections is fine, for a bit of chit chat, e.g a massive football debate etc, but that isnt selling so jumping to conclusions that im condeming all non fish related things is silly.

so dutchkev, you say you are a newbie and dont know many people, surely arguing and using frankly terrible argumentitative language is a way of getting to know trustworthy members is it?
id love to go to your primary school. :lol:
primary school ended 16 years ago, but it seams the level of intelligence and willingness to accept change is still a long way off IMO

weather your a newbie or an old timer, there is still no excuse for ignorance. and saying I'm in primary school, are you yourself not resorting to "playground" antics? or is this mearly where your sense of perception stops.

what i am trying to get across (if you can comprehend this) is that its MY opinion, therefor it IS NOT wrong, but also, you seam to think that a higher post count gives you authority over someone who has just joined and therefore your opinion matters more

it seams you can lead a fool to wisdom, but you cannot make him think, im through arguing with kids
at which point did i say i was going to buy a nigerian lottery ticket? and at which point did i say i was gonna have a lapse common sense in buying?

'You' is in the plural sense... Hence why it was then followed by what everyone should be doing when they're buying to avoid problems. If you follow those guidelines, it doesn't matter where you buy from. Considering this is, as I mentioned, a cross section of the internet, I wouldn't say the people on here are any more trustworthy than elsewhere on the internet. That's not saying you can't trust people here, it's saying that you can trust people not on here.

Speaking of which, it's not too far out to assume that such a section would also be a wonderful spammer attractant.

I also find it interesting to note that the good old 'you're objecting to what I say, therefore you're prejudiced against new things' attitude is out on full force today. I *am* prejudiced... against rubbish ideas. You're hardly the first person to suggest such an idea. If it was so great, why do we not already have one...?
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